11 signs that this man is flirting with you and you don’t realize it

Sometimes you date a guy who doesn’t give you any sign that he’s interested in you as a woman. But suddenly he does something and puts you in doubt. Is that man flirting with you? It could also be that he is just trying to be very nice to you to avoid awkward moments.

How do you know if a man is flirting or just trying to be fun to pass the moment? For example, if it is a boy with a great fear of rejection, he will try not to show it.

Sometimes a man makes it difficult for you to realize his interest in you. Feel that a rejection would be losing you too soon. Sometimes he can send you confusing signals and you don’t know if he’s just being nice.

Let’s see … how to know if a man is flirting with me?

1.- Whenever he is with you, smile and laugh at whatever you do or say

You know that he is flirting with you if every time you appear his smile lights up in a very bright way. Although they all smile differently, when they like something their face lights up.

That man is flirting with you if his eyes shine just by seeing you. He says funny things to you to make you smile more. Even if he’s a shy man, he can’t help but smile when he sees you.

2.- When a man likes you, he starts flirting with you with a very special treatment


For example, you are greeting a group of friends, but when it comes to you, you are greeted differently. He greets everyone with a kiss, you too, but he stays by your side leaning when he talks to you.

A man by habit can be flirtatious and charming with his friends. But if he treats you differently, for example a more special attention, it is very likely that he likes you.

3.- A man who really likes you will find a way to be close to you and touch you


A man flirting because he likes you will break the contact barrier. That man is flirting with you, he can’t help but want to be by your side and touch you. He talks to you, moves and creates an excuse to touch you.

When we like something, it is normal to want to touch it. He sits very close to you and makes his legs and knees touch you. He hands you something and keeps his hands close to you for longer than necessary.

4.- If he continually goes towards you and leans, he is telling you how much he likes you


A man shows signs that he likes you in his flirtation unconsciously. Their mood flares spontaneously with you. At all times it is moving to be closer to you.

If his feet, his hands, his face and all his attention are focused on you, he likes you. So that you feel ready to accept it, try to make you laugh, to listen to it. He leans in to be closer to you.

5.- For a man in love it is much easier to flirt by remembering past things


If someone likes you, they will pay special attention to what you say and do. That is, if that man paid attention to you, he will easily remember things from the past and mention them to seek conversation.

That man is flirting with you if he optimistically remembers things about you from a month, a year, or a week ago. He just wants to spend time with you and remembering things is a good resource.

6.- He blushes for anything or gets nervous every time he sees you or when you talk to him


Not all men blush when flirting with a woman they like. Some men are very self-confident and others are shy or embarrassed. Some of the latter two blush.

If he gets nervous, for example, fixing his hair or shank, it may be because of the emotions he feels for you. Those nerves can make you stutter when you speak or you may start to sweat.

7.- He is flirting with you if he looks for excuses to spend more time with you and see you later


The flirtation of a man towards a woman is more noticeable when he is more attracted to her. You will do whatever it takes to be by your side as much of the time and more often during the day.

If he loves you, he will find you, it doesn’t matter if you hide. Looking for opportunities to spend time with you, he will borrow something from you. He might want to watch a movie with you or listen to music.

8.- He cannot avoid flirting with you if he is looking for matches to have more confidence


Only if he likes you a lot will he look for common ground between you. That man is flirting with you if he doesn’t mind saying he likes everything you say you like.

It’s great to meet someone. But it is inevitable that two people have different tastes. And if you notice that she gets too excited saying she likes him too, she’s flirting looking for matches.

9.- Some like to flirt by making fun of other boys and offering small gifts


Another way for some men to flirt is to try to show themselves as better opportunities by making fun of others. He makes fun of some detail about the guys you date. Scene of jealousy.

To differentiate himself and show you that it is better he gives you small gifts. Maybe he can give you a bigger gift but he doesn’t want to scare you. He wants you for himself and he wants you to pay attention to him.

10.- He is flirting with you if he jokingly invents a boyfriend or suitor


The most frequent flirtation between a man and a woman are jokes about supposed boyfriends. That man is flirting with you if he wants you to think about a boyfriend while you interact with him.

He tells you that he saw you with your handsome boyfriend walking in the park. You tell him he was just a friend and he’s not handsome. He responds, he’s your boyfriend, because you deny it. He is very interested in your thinking about a boyfriend.

11.- He cannot get excited as soon as he sees you and compliment you when you talk


If you see him especially delighted with you, if he compliments you on everything, he’s flirting. At any time, as soon as he feels confident, he will ask you for a date. He loves you, do not hesitate.

It tells you that you have lovely eyes, a wonderful smile, etc. He’s looking at you with the eyes of love and he can’t help but flirt with you. He can’t help but look gorgeous, he likes you

In short … there is always a man who can’t help but flirt with you.

Signs that man is flirting with you and you don’t realize

1.- Whenever he is with you, he smiles and laughs at whatever you do or say
2.- When a man likes you, he starts flirting with you with a very special treatment
3.- A man who really likes you will look for a way to be close to you and touch you
4.- If he continually goes towards you and leans down, he is telling you how much he likes you
5.- For a man in love it is much easier to flirt remembering past things
6.- He blushes for anything or gets nervous every time he sees you or when you talk to him
7.- He is flirting with you if he is looking for excuses to spend more time with you and see you later
8.- He cannot help flirting with you if he is looking for coincidences to have more confidence
9.- Some like to flirt by making fun of other boys and offering small gifts
10.- He is flirting with you if he makes a joke of a boyfriend or suitor
11.- He cannot get excited when he sees you and compliments you when you talk