25 ways to say I love you to a friend you’re trying to fall in love with

Do you want to make your friend fall in love without her noticing? Keep in mind that there are original ways to say I love you on WhatsApp. There are ways to say I love you to a friend without even saying “I love you.” Expressing what you feel for your friend goes beyond words and you can do it.

When you realize that there are several ways to say I love you to a friend, your hopes are renewed. To say and show your feelings you just have to learn to be creative and original.

Saying “I love you” without words is a very nice art and detail that you can also practice. You are not the first to fall in love with your best friend, it is a wonderful experience next to fear.

Let’s look at some ways to say I love you to a friend. So that little by little or very quickly he begins to think about you.

You should always be present with your words of affection and appreciation

The best ways to say I love you to a friend is to be present day by day with a positive supportive attitude. When your words are sincere, they will go directly to the soul of your friend.

Learn to openly express your emotions. I can say I love you to a friend if I can honestly express myself in a positive way. It’s all about practice.

1. When your friend has a difficult day send her a nice message encouraging her and offer your help. That way you are telling her how much you appreciate her.

2. If you go on a trip, do not forget to bring a souvenir. With that detail you are saying “I was thinking of you.” A photo, a wild flower, etc., are perfect.

3. If you really love your friend, give her space when she needs it. This is a way of saying “I love you and I have a lot of confidence in you”

4. You can say “I love you” to your friend just by acknowledging her. Every time she starts a challenge or achieves something, it is good to congratulate her. It is very important that she knows that you support her.

5. Another very nice way to say “I love you” to your friend is to be interested in the things she likes. You don’t have to like it at all, just want to contribute something.

You can say I love you to a friend not only with words, but also with attitudes

A great love can give words so much power that they are healing and repairing. Give power to these ways of saying I love you to a friend, give her the power of your true love.

Each of the phrases to say I love you to a friend that inspires you only have to carry your energy. Trust in the power of your positive affirmation and love every moment.

6. Offer your company in the not so pleasant moments. A boring paperwork, visiting a family member, doing a homework, etc.

7. Take time to go see your friend and offer your company. If you really love her, you won’t mind traveling long distances to see her for just a moment.

8. You can say “I love you” to a friend just by pleasantly surprising her. Don’t get stuck with routine.

9. Practice a craft and offer it to your friend. It doesn’t have to be a work of art, just an excuse to look at yourself and laugh.

10. If you find out that your best friend is sick, don’t delay in going to take care of her. This is a very effective way of saying “I love you.”

The best way to say I love you to a friend is with positive attitudes every day.


It is nice to find several ways to say I love you to a friend, but if they are attitudes they will be more satisfactory. Because attitudes impact more on a person’s life.

The best way to say I love you to a friend is your sincerity to help her have a good day . It is very important that you understand their emotional needs.

11. Cook for her. If you don’t know how to cook, ask for food and serve. All in a good mood. You are in love, you are happy.

12. An unexpected and flirtatious detail for your best friend. There are so many places, be creative.

13. Keep little things about what you do together. For example, if you show him a movie ticket after months, it is a way of saying “I love you.”

14. If you help her in any task that is overloaded, you make her feel that you love her.

15. You know the dreams and wishes of your friend. Help her fulfill one of her dreams.

Choose original ways to say I love you inspired by events in your daily life


There are always little things in our life that can be used to find ways to say I love you to a friend. After all, falling in love with a friend may be the best thing that can happen to you.

When you get used to letting your emotions flow, it will be easy to find phrases to say I love you to a friend. When you get used to expressing your love with attitudes, you will have a long love life.


16. If you really love your friend, you will have no qualms about making her a public demonstration of love.

17. You can prepare a photoshoot for her. It is worth recording a special moment of the person you love.

18. It doesn’t have to be a special day for you to be happy and invite her to celebrate. What is really special is a moment with her.

19. If she is your friend since your childhood, you have so many memories to recreate and in that way tell her “I love you.”

20. If the time every day that hugs and kisses are not lacking. It does not matter if they are only kisses on the cheek, but they are not lacking.

Love for a friend is finding creative ways to say I love you without words


Each of the ways to say I love you to a friend that you find is to reinforce your priorities. Check how much satisfaction you feel when dedicating your thoughts to your friend.

It is always important to be clear about the love that grows in us. Only if that love is authentic can we truly love another person.


21. There are many phrases to say I love you to a friend, choose yours. Do not stop giving recognition to your best friend.

22. Sing along with her the song you know she loves. Doing fun things with your friend counts as an act of love.

23. Give her a different gift each day celebrated each of the good times of the year.

24. Make a public recognition commemorating some achievement of your best friend.

25. Create a secret language just for the two of you and use it very often. This also counts as saying “I love you.”

In short … what does it mean to say I love you to a friend. Now you want her as a woman.

There are many ways to say I love you to a friend that you are trying to love

1.- You should always be present with your words of affection and recognition
2.- You can say I love you to a friend not only with words, but also with attitudes
3.- The best way to say I love you to a friend is with attitudes positive every day
4.- Choose original ways to say I love you inspired by events in your daily life
5.- Love for a friend is finding creative ways to say I love you without words