How to know that a man really loves a woman? When a man loves a woman, how does it show? It is not enough to repeat, I love you very much, sweetie. When a man truly loves you, he does not say it in words, but in actions. Love is not words but attitudes every day.
I love you so much love of my life, I am capable of doing anything to keep you by my side. And when he does, you know it’s time to give him a big kiss, because he deserves it. But, what are the signs that a man loves a woman?
1.- You know that he loves you when at all times you feel protected
If he really loves you, he will do anything to have you by his side. Always have a word of encouragement or a big hug, no matter if they are in public or private. He just has positive attitudes for you and you feel his love.
A man loves a woman every day of the month not just when he wants a romantic moment. He always has details that make you think about him all day. Don’t miss the chance to keep falling in love.
2.- When a man loves a woman, even on a difficult day …
This is for you because only your presence comforts him of all his problems. I love you so much love, I need you in my life. He looks for you, listens to you, does not complain, does not reproach you.
When a man is in love with a woman he does everything for her even when he is not having a good day. For him, that woman means his best refuge and inspiration.
3.- When he prepares dinner and you feel like he deserves a kiss
A man likes to eat, he likes to come home and have the food ready for him. But when you didn’t have time because you also work and he takes care of it, you know he deserves a kiss.
If your man cooks rich, admits that his seasoning is delicious, tell him with a kiss. Always lovingly respond to their cute details. Love as a couple is always two-way.
4.- He loves you when he unexpectedly appears with a bouquet of flowers
There is even a song about when a man loves a woman, even a movie. That shows that love details, moments of positive emotions.
You know she deserves a kiss when she unexpectedly shows up with a bouquet of flowers. Especially if they are your favorites, as it is a sign that he is thinking of you, your tastes.
5.- If he tells you his fears and joys, it is a sign that he loves you
I love you so much my love, please listen to me. And he opens his heart to you, he may even cry about something that is happening with a family member or friend. He always tells you.
He always tells you his fears and big dreams, seeks your support, takes refuge in you. That man loves you and when he does that, you know you should kiss him passionately.
6.- If that man changes his look for you, he undoubtedly loves you
When a man loves a woman what does he do? Always try to please her or make her laugh. He does not mind making changes in his way of being, of dressing, and even in his habits.
For example, he renews his hairstyle and shows it to you with a smile. He doesn’t mind making a fool of himself, he just laughs at himself. I love you very much, my beautiful love.
7.- A man loves you when he dedicates part of his time to you
Value whoever dedicates their time to you, because they will never get it back. When a man dedicates his time to you no matter how busy he is, it is a sign that he loves you.
I love you so much my love, you are the most important thing in my life. It tells you and above all it shows you. Those are times to reciprocate with a good passionate kiss.
8.- When he responds to your messages, it is a sign of how much he cares about you
When a man loves a woman it shows in his actions, and when he does not love her it shows more. It may be very busy, but still respond, I am very busy, I love you very much, my beautiful love.
The man who loves you is glad of your call. They may not be able to answer you right away, but then they will call you back. Those are unmissable moments for a passionate kiss.
9.- You know you deserve a passionate kiss when it makes you laugh
Your love motivates him to feel optimistic, positive, always looking to laugh especially at himself. Take care of that love by taking responsibility for your own happiness and personal progress.
How to know if a man loves a woman?
– He looks at you without fear and with a smile on his eyes and lips
– He always looks for your hand or caresses you smiling
– He surprises you with a joke, all to make you laugh
– He introduces you to his friends with a wide smile and jokingly
– When a man loves a woman looks for you happy no matter where you are
10.- If you are cold, he does not mind lending you his coat
When a man truly loves a woman, he does everything for her. When he covers you with his coat he is saying, I love you very much. They are details that are done only when there is love.
The best way to instantly reciprocate those cute actions is with a passionate kiss. Then give him a love letter, his favorite candy, etc.
11.- He shows you that he loves you when he becomes your superhero
A man does not have to do great heroic things to become a hero. Being a plumber, painting some part of the house, repairing the stairs, etc., are things that deserve a kiss.
When a man loves a woman he does what has to be done without excuses and with enthusiasm. At home, on the street, when she is busy, etc., there are always tasks.
12.- I love you so much, he tells you in a letter
The cute details of a man in love deserve an immediate response. For example, you take his hand and take him to your side and wham you kiss him with passion.
A love letter can be copied or inspired. But it’s the time it takes, the interest it puts, and the words it speaks to you. Maybe he just tells you, I love you very much my love, good night.
13.- When in your bad days it is their attentive to serve you
Even happy people have bad days. At any moment you feel sad for no reason. He doesn’t even tell him, he realizes it, because he’s always attentive.
He accompanies you on “those” difficult days, brings you something delicious to eat, pampers you, or simply gives you your space.
14.- You know that he loves you when his hugs impregnate you with his aroma
There is a story of when a man loves a woman. She has lost the one she loves the most, her mother, and he just silently hugs her.
He hugs you so much and in such a way that you remain impregnated with his perfume. A good day or a bad day, there is that aroma, that hug saying, I love you very much, love of my life.
15.- If he really loves you, he won’t mind changing plans
Both you and he have their days off with friends. He knows that you know it’s his day off. But for some reason, he looks at you, smiles, reciprocates, and stays.
Hanging out with friends is fun, but when a man loves a woman staying with her is more comforting. It’s those moments when you reward him with a passionate kiss.
16.- He shows that he loves you when he accompanies you shopping
Many men do not like to go shopping with their partners. They just don’t have the patience. They want to see women’s things and take their time.
I love you very much my beautiful love, and everything serves to spend time with you. It is not easy for a man, but if he does it with optimism it means that his love is great.
17.- Whenever you kiss him with passion, he corresponds to you
The best way to say I love you is not things, but moments, details that arouse emotions. A kiss can be part of the routine of a couple, but not the special moments.
When a man loves a woman what does he feel in his heart? He feels that he is a lucky man, especially because of the motivation to be a better person.