Top 10 ways to get your ex back

You were stupid for fighting him; you still love him and want him back

It took time for this understanding to wash over you. Yours was the most beautiful relationship in your entire group. Your friends made fun of you like they were made for each other and they love birds. His cuteness and sweet personality had many women buzzing around him, but he only had eyes for you. He was extremely helpful to everyone and very helpful. This attitude of his had made you quite insecure, and it had also been the recurring cause of your fights. You were stupid to doubt his intentions and even stupider to let him get away. It was all your fault, and you curse yourself day and night. You still love and want to get back with your ex. It could also be the other way around. You know you were right and he was wrong. But after a few days of separation, you realize that you can live with his flaws but not without him. So, it’s time for some action now. Your boyfriend was the best thing that happened to you, and now you want him back fast. Should you text him or call him or try to meet him? Read on to find out how to do it.

1. Don’t write your apology through text

Although text is a wonderful way to convey your words, it does not convey your emotions effectively. All the sweet faces and words in a text cannot match the tone of his voice and his sincere apologies when they meet in person. There is a completely different charm to meeting your boyfriend in person and telling him you’re sorry. Your loving eyes can convey a stronger message than your text. You may have a greater chance of getting it back when you meet in person. Just send him a text message asking him to meet you at your favorite place. This should unleash old love chains.

2. Prepare your apology properly

This could be your golden opportunity to get it back. Surely, you don’t want to dig up old stories and old fights. Rest the past and apologize for your possessive outburst. Make him realize what he means to you and what it’s like to live a life without him. Do not start the fight again under any circumstances, even if he starts it. Remember: giving in a little will only hurt your ego, but you can get it back. Playing the blame game again will push him further away from you, and he may never want to see you again.

3. Don’t lose your dignity while trying to get your boyfriend back

No matter how lonely you feel without it, never give up or completely lose your dignity to get it back. Doing so will not only make you unhappy, but it will also diminish your importance in their eyes. Apologize if you were wrong, but not if you weren’t. Instead, try to give your relationship a fresh start without re-discussing past issues. The best kind of apology will be when you accept your mistakes and try to change yourself. If he’s wrong somewhere and you realize that you can live with his flaws, don’t bring that up again too soon. Give it a little time and maybe you can slowly shape it.

4. Try to rekindle the lost romance with your ex

You can fool him on this! Being close to him but not close enough. Let him hear your perfume, let him hear you laugh, and let him hear you talk to others. This will remind him of all his wonderful assets and force him to come closer to you. Wear his favorite perfume when you are around him, dress in his favorite color and wear your hair the way he likes it. All of this will rekindle the lost passion. These are some surefire ways to get it back.

5. Try to make your ex jealous

If he was the jealous or possessive type, maybe spending time with someone else will trigger his lost love for you, and he could come back to you very quickly. You can talk to your current friend beforehand about your motives and together you can try to get your ex back. You may have to plan some outings together on purpose in places where you know for sure your ex will be around. Look happy and content with your new partner, but don’t overdo it. Your motive is to make him jealous and come back to you.

6. Get your life back on track and move on

Show him that you are too busy and too happy in life without him. Get to work with your new friends, your new job, or your studies and show that you don’t care much about the past. This attitude of yours might be too difficult for him to handle and he might want you to come back into his life. There is another advantage to this. You could be so busy and busy in your life that you will get over it eventually and your heart won’t bleed for it in due time. Getting your life back on track will keep you more focused on life and in a better frame of mind. What is yours will eventually come back to you in the most glorious way!

7. Keep some distance from your ex, but don’t lose sight of yourself

Let him feel like you’ve become difficult to approach. Build your self-esteem in front of their eyes and not always be available. If it is available at your beck and call, it could lose all interest in communicating with you. But do not lose sight of yourself completely, as he could forget you completely and go on with another girlfriend. Try to cross their paths and be visible in their favorite places from time to time to keep the flame burning.

8. Always wait 2 or more weeks before trying to fix things with your boyfriend.

Acting quickly after a breakup could cause him to lose his interest in you. Wait at least 2 weeks or more before texting or trying to meet him. By doing so, they will realize your importance and even miss you. In the best of circumstances, he may just come back to you to fix you up and nothing in the world will make you happier. So be patient!

9. Join your side in a group discussion or debate.

Doing so will not only boost your ego and self-esteem, it will also make you realize its importance. You can tell that the two of you think alike and have the same opinions and points of view. This will be a positive sign and will get him back to you quickly.

10. Make some changes to yourself to get it back

Take some time off after your breakup and try to think about why. Is he right about some things? Do you need to change something about your behavior? Make some positive changes in yourself if you want to bring it back quickly. Show him that you have changed, and this will bring him closer to you again. This will also show him that you care about him and his opinions. Making changes to yourself based on their criticism will make you happy, but remember to never do it against your own wishes or else you will never be happy. Adapt to changes for your boyfriend if and only if you really want to see change yourself in the first place.

You can also like or comment on their Facebook status to be a part of their life, even after their breakup. This will keep your memory alive and fresh in your mind. The no-contact period should only be long enough to allow you to control your emotions. Don’t wait too long to talk to him or else he might be busy with someone else. Never try to talk to your current girlfriends or warn them of your nature. You will end up being a laughingstock among all of them, and your ex will think that you still love and care for him and are doing it out of jealousy. You might even find your ex dating another girl after breaking up with you. While this will tear you apart emotionally on the inside, you must act tough on the outside. Showing him that you care can calm his ego, and he can ignore you more. You can do the same with him or try not to notice or worry when he goes out with his other girlfriends. His cold reaction will instantly tone down his passion for his current girlfriend and cause him to dump her very quickly. Never blackmail your ex to get it back. This could irritate him even more and make him hate you even more. Never try to get it back either. As you do so, you may feel his sympathy or pity, but not his love. Breakups and makeups happen all the time in a love relationship. Take it mature and work to make things work instead of ruining them forever. I know this is easier said than done and worse than expected when you are in a surly mood, but acting wisely will help you win back your love. Never speak ill of your boyfriend in public after your breakup, as this will make her dislike you more and she may never speak to you again. Right now, you are experiencing a rush of emotions, and the best way to deal with this is to take some time off and let time take its own course. If you mistreat your boyfriend today and try to get back together tomorrow, it will not be good for your image among your friends. You know your boyfriend inside and out. You will be the best judge of the situation to analyze what will work best to recover it quickly. You’re doing it not just because you love him, but also because you feel like the two of you make a great match. If you mistreat your boyfriend today and try to get back together tomorrow, it will not be good for your image among your friends. You know your boyfriend inside and out. You will be the best judge of the situation to analyze what will work best to recover it quickly. You’re doing it not just because you love him, but also because you feel like the two of you make a great match. If you mistreat your boyfriend today and try to get back together tomorrow, it will not be good for your image among your friends. You know your boyfriend inside and out. You will be the best judge of the situation to analyze what will work best to recover it quickly. You’re doing it not just because you love him, but also because you feel like the two of you make a great match.