How to have a good relationship with your partner

Everyone wants to know the key to a good relationship. Psychology has been dedicated to studying the qualities in couples that help them have healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Many experienced couples therapists have compressed that knowledge into a number of important points to consider.

Some of these points seem very familiar, but knowing how to put them into practice is key. And that is where the experience of these experts will be very useful to you.

So if you want to know more about what they see in a good relationship and the tips to become the ideal partner, read on!


Many couples therapists spend a good deal of time working on communication dynamics.

When communication improves, problems are easier to work on and resolve, which helps build a good relationship.

However, the most important element is that each person dedicates themselves to working on it. Learning effective communication skills doesn’t make much sense if you don’t put them into practice.

Knowing how to use these skills when times are tense when emotions are strong when you are tired or upset, is the most important thing.

The idea is to practice them, not just with your partner so that it becomes something natural. Otherwise, they will become old negative behavior patterns and ways of speaking that only create barriers.

Something that helps a lot to put into practice healthy communication as a couple is the following point.


Being available is more than just being physically there with your partner. And, definitely, it is not being forced to be always on the lookout, answering messages instantly.

It also means being flexible, responsive, and responsive. Show a good listening attitude when talking with your partner, think about the impact that your actions and words will have.

It is essential that you take care of your assertiveness when answering, always showing yourself with an understanding attitude towards your partner.

You may think that trying to do this is very difficult, but later I will talk about how to achieve it to have a good relationship.


When we show genuine appreciation for one another, the little details add up to a lot of value.

This naturally creates an atmosphere of belonging. Both parties are more willing to work as a team by feeling on the same team. Actions of gratitude should be put into practice every day.

From a “Thank you for helping me with the preparations for the party …”, “Thank you for taking care of me now that I am sick”, to a simple “I appreciate so much that you are here with me”.


You have the idea that a happy partner or a good relationship is one that never discusses and eradicates any problem.

That idea is totally false! Since each person has different characteristics, expectations, and values, conflicts in a couple are something that happens.

To evade problems is to bury them, creating an unstable base that, sooner or later, will be delayed.

You might be surprised by couples who seemed very happy and break up spontaneously. This is the result of stored negative emotions and friction from conflicts that they never faced.

Resolving conflicts quickly and constructively will avoid just that; In addition, it will help them to work on fixing things during and after conflicts.

Something as simple as taking a pause in the discussion and saying: “I feel somewhat defensive at the moment… Could you explain that last part to me again in another way?” Thus, they will move forward together in a good way.

It is also important that each party takes note of their mistakes; understanding and acknowledging how each one hurt the other.

By understanding your partner’s feelings, you will avoid holding onto negative feelings.


Working as a team is something that leads to a good relationship. But, you have to take into account that in that team there must be two, not just one. And that also means not trying to be one.

Remember that your partner has his own life, experiences, ideas, and beliefs. Respecting and appreciating the individuality of your partner will allow you to understand those limits and intimacy.

Too much closeness can overshadow and stifle what makes your partner unique. Too much distance will cause them to be only known with the title of a couple.

Finding the balance is learned in the course of the relationship. There are always differences, but they don’t have to be a negative thing; they are opportunities to grow and learn.


Why is your relationship special? What does it mean to you to be a couple?

The more they know about their relationship, the more you know about your partner, the greater their ability to enjoy it and make it flourish.

Discover everything you need to know about your partner and start building a relationship based on trust.

Doing so is as simple as reading the following points:

  • Putting aside the unrealistic expectations and social pressures of what a couple should be like, and focusing on living the relationship as their own, they will be able to appreciate and enjoy it to the fullest.
  • This also means not comparing your own relationship with that of other people.
  • Learn how to be a couple, no matter how long you’ve been together.

Knowing these aspects will help them to fully live their relationship.

This will keep you forever rediscovering and, quite possibly, falling in love again.


All the points that you have seen here have been compiled from the extensive experience of couples therapists, dedicated to improving relationships and collecting those characteristics that make a relationship a good relationship.