How To Text Your Ex Boyfriend To Get Him Back

Creating the perfect reply messages when you want to get your ex back can be extremely difficult.

That’s why we’ve put together all the scenarios we should prepare for!

After a breakup, it’s absolutely normal for you not to talk to your ex for a while, especially if you broke up under bad circumstances.

And even when you do start talking again, it’s usually through text messages.

We get it, you’re probably feeling a little nervous and not sure what to say – whether it started with a “Happy Birthday” message or a simple “Hey”, there are a few rules that will help you succeed and your attention again.

Here’s how to text your ex-boyfriend and work things out!

Finding The Opportunity To Achieve

If you’re still wondering when or how to start talking to him, consider a few things before writing that first text message.

How and when your relationship ended is very important.

If it ended on good terms and you’ve decided that you’re going to try and stay friends, a simple explanation of how your life is going might work.

In other cases, you may want to wait until a special occasion and start with a simple wish, which can also be the perfect start to a conversation as it brings up a number of relevant topics that you can ask him.

Be Kind, But Don’t Scare Him

Once you start talking, it’s all about how you communicate and present yourself.

Since you’re talking online, you can’t see his expressions, which makes things a little more distorted, but always remaining kind is a perfect first step.

Make the conversation light, positive, and fun, especially for the first few messages, and try to find a balance between appearing overly interested and overly desperate.

You don’t have to hide that you still care about him (as that will also encourage him if he’s interested too), but don’t scare him by still being very attached to him.

Let him tell you how he’s been and what he’s doing at the moment.

This will help you decide if you’d really like to start over with him – and if you feel like the two of you have changed too much, don’t try to convince yourself that it can still work or force you to move on.

Say Goodbye To Drama

You may still be angry or hurt about the breakup, and that’s perfectly normal.

But there’s no point in discussing any of this via text, especially if you’re planning on getting it back and starting all over again.

We’ve all come close to texting our ex anger-filled romance while feeling like our heads might explode, but leaving angry or hurt messages won’t help your case.

Even if you disagree with the main reasons for the breakup, try to stay calm and offer to discuss things in person, which will give you the opportunity to tell your side of the story and understand each other better.

Show Him You’re Trying To Move On

When he asks about you, try to bring up other aspects of your life besides his absence.

Talk about college, your job, a recent trip, or anything else relevant that made you happy.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to sell him the illusion of a perfect life, but be honest and positive.

Talking about how your life is progressing will show him that you can be strong and independent and that you don’t desperately need him in your life, but that you would still like to give this relationship a second chance.

How To Text Your Ex Boyfriend And Stay Positive

I know, this is probably one of the hardest parts.

Your heart is breaking and you’re not sure what to make of this whole situation, but try to be positive instead of being too dramatic or trying to beg and convince him.

Giving him a chance to think things over for a few days and meet you in person, rather than forcing him to make a decision right away or making him feel guilty, will go a long way in your case.

Be Aware Of What Happened

Acting like the breakup never happened may seem like an easy choice (and believe me, you wouldn’t be the only one trying to solve problems by simply ignoring them), but it won’t work out very well in the end.

It is important that you are aware of the reasons your relationship ended and that you can talk about it and possible changes in the future.

Remind Him Why He Was Dating You

Once he sees the person he fell in love with at first, there’s a good chance you’ll win him back.

Of course, the circumstances aren’t the same: you’re both a little confused emotionally, but we can’t stress enough the importance of staying positive and honest.

Showing him your personality will make him miss you more easily than any trick.

Bringing Distant Memories

Talking about something mutual, even if it’s a silly memory, or saying you had it, will help the conversation and make both of you feel more comfortable.

It’s also a great way to break up the awkwardness of the first few messages.

Make sure the memory you mentioned is related to the conversation, otherwise it can easily feel strained.

Keep Him Waiting

When you reply to him is also an important part: don’t always reply right away, and if the conversation ends, expect him to write to you again.

If he’s really interested and feels the same way as you, he’ll text you.

Stay Independent

How this all works out depends on a lot of things and you can’t be in control of everything – if he says no and you don’t get a second chance, don’t stop or get too involved in it.

We’ve all had the experience of how going through a breakup is extremely difficult, but it’s important that you accept the outcome, even if it’s bad news.