Don’t Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

Learn from your mistakes. Let your past guide you to a better future and don’t risk losing the best thing that happened to you because of a childish fear!

Nowadays, it is very difficult to find someone with whom one shares an incredible chemistry – an chemistry based on more than sleeping together and desire.

It is rare to find someone who truly cares for no particular reason except to love with all their heart.

If you have a girl who supports you, gives you her time and gives you everything you want, don’t let her go.

If you have a girl who shows up after 5 minutes when you’re going through a crisis, and doesn’t check her schedule to see if she has time for you, you’re luckier than most people!

Learn to appreciate the modest and selfless love she gives you because she was hurt too. She really makes an effort and you should give her back twice that

If your girlfriend does these 7 things for you, she cares more about you than you are willing to know!

Don’t let her become the one who ran away. Enjoy it while it’s yours, because girls like it are hard to find and even harder to keep!

And this girl desperately wants you to keep her.

1. She remembers the smallest details you told her about you

Don't Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

A year ago, you told him how your parents had gone to a beautiful little place in the south of France and that you gave anything to have a chance to go there one day.

And guess what, not only does she remember it, but she also bought you tickets to go there together!

You see ? She listens and she preserves everything in her beautiful head.

And as soon as she has the opportunity, she will find a way to surprise you in the most pleasant way possible.

It won’t always be a luxury vacation, but it will be very important because it will show commitment.

2. It gives you the advice you need to hear, no matter how hard it may sound

Don't Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

Your friends will amaze you and your parents will try to find the best in the situation you have put yourself in.

But your girlfriend will tell you exactly what you need to hear to pull yourself together.

She knows it’s the only way to grow, to learn from mistakes, and to start from scratch.

And over time, you will realize that this is the best thing we have ever done for you.

3. She cares about everyone in your life with sincere interest

Don't Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

If you have a sick aunt, she will ask you every day if she can do something.

If your parents are going through a rough patch, it will be your rock and the shoulder you can lean on.

And if your sister gets a promotion or if your brother gets engaged, she will be in heaven for them!

She will feel everything deeply and immensely, as if it were her own family.

And if it’s not something that makes it really special, I don’t know what is!

4. It forces you when you hit the bar and never lets you feel sorry for yourself

Don't Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

She knows that you have hopes and dreams. She understands how hard you worked to achieve them.

And that’s why she will never let you give up when things get difficult.

She will never let you feel sorry for yourself because she knows that if you are able to dream it, you can do it!

And with her support, the hard work and persistence you will put into it, giving up will never be an option.

Neither today nor ever, and she will make sure you know it.

5. She is EXCELLENT when it comes to showing you her love in the most random moments (and yet the most necessary!)

Don't Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

She has a way of doing things that makes it so easy to read all your moods. You may not tell her that you are going through something, but she will know.

And at that time, she will make sure that you are filled with love and affection.

She’ll text you during the day with something too cute and pick you up after work to take you to your favorite place.

She will cook your favorite dish and bring you dessert in bed! Everything you need to become yourself again – she’ll take care of it!

6. She never plays games (she says it like it is)

Don't Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

One of the coolest things about her is that she will never make you guess what she wants and how she feels.

She will always tell you frankly what it is, whether it be good or bad. If she feels bad, she will tell you. If she is angry, you will know!

But one thing she will NEVER do is play mind games.

Why waste time with such childish behavior, when honesty makes everything better?

Therefore, with it, you will never have to worry about your situation. She will always make sure to be a hundred percent honest.

7. She will defend you in your absence

Don't Reject A Girl Who Does The Following 7 Things For You

She will get mad at you opposite and act accordingly. But when you are not there, she will cover you at all times.

If she hears someone slandering your name, she will make sure to tell them how wrong they are.

If someone wants to try to betray you behind the back, they will warn you to beware.

Whenever someone has bad intentions that you are not aware of, they will fiercely protect you and never let someone make the same mistake twice.

Because that’s what couples do. They can fight in private, but they protect each other in public.

And they make sure everyone is aware that this is so. With this girl, you can be sure that you will never be overtaken.

She will be there for you, as long as you are there for her.