9 Things Couples Should Try At Least Once To Improve Their Intimacy

After a while, marriage becomes boring because you are stuck in a routine.

We’re stuck doing the same things again. And it’s the biggest love-killer between two people.

It slowly kills the intimacy that is the foundation of any successful relationship. Okay, it also isn’t completely blured.

There are always times when you can’t let go of each other, but those times get less and less frequent over the years.

You don’t have to be afraid if it happens because it’s normal!

When you live with the same person for a while and you know how they behave and what their routine is, it is normal for the excitement to go away after a while.

Even if that happens, there is a way to dodge it. You have to take your time and try to rebuild the passion with your partner, and thus raise the level of intimacy in your relationship.

If you do not, it is likely that your relationship will fail.

You can both endure the lack of excitement and the boredom in a relationship for a while, but after a while it becomes frustrating.

This is how you will increase the level of your intimacy and keep your relationship alive and more radiant than ever. The most important thing is that you both invest.

1. Be grateful to your spouse

Be grateful to your spouse and to what they do. Maybe you are not on the same wavelength as him right now, maybe you do not like what he is doing, but if they are trying to give the best of themselves , then you must be grateful for that.

Let him know that you respect the fact that he is making an effort. It will pat him on the back and he will be able to do even bigger things.

A person must have a starting point and, by encouraging him, he will get even more results than he thought he was capable of.

And by making them feel recognized, you will increase your level of intimacy.

Your partner will thank you for your support and reimburse you by opening yourself up and showing you more emotions.

2. Sleep naked after s ex

Se x is not the only form of intimacy you can live together.

It’s perfect, it’s nice, but it doesn’t always involve emotions and love.

Sometimes s ex is used to bring things out of one’s system and to let off steam.

If this happens often, the only way to increase your level of intimacy is to try to share your emotions.

And there is a way to do it. After having s ex, lie naked next to each other.

Be quiet and cuddle if you want. But don’t let that feeling pass you by.

Keep it and enjoy it. This will increase your intimacy and give a new twist to your relationship.

3. Remember the good times and look to the future

Take this dusty wedding album from the shelf. Wipe it off, and relive your happy memories.

The photos of your biggest day will take you back to the days when you were crazy about each other and you couldn’t do without each other.

Or if you’re not married, try to remember the good times – your first date or some funny or unusual things that happened to you when you just started dating.

It will bring back that old feeling of happiness, this honeymoon phase, and you will get closer to each other.

Just talking about the things you have done and the places you have visited together may inspire something crazy and exciting that comes to your mind and you decide to do it again or you decide to recreate something romantic or fun that you have already done once before.

Either way, intimacy will improve, and it will keep your relationship alive.

4. Keep eye contact

Never avoid eye contact with your partner. The eyes are the mirrors of the soul, and you can get to know everything about someone with a single look in the eyes because the eyes do not lie.

By looking into your eyes, you will create a bond that does not break easily. The eyes reflect our vulnerability, and they give so much more than we want to admit.

So sometimes when you don’t want to tell your partner everything you care about, or you just can’t, one glance in the eye will be enough to make him understand what you’re going through.

Make it normal. Try to keep eye contact in silence for a few minutes each day, and you’ll see everything you learn from each other without even saying a word.

5. Laugh together

Share giggles. Open your soul and your heart, and roll on the floor with laughter. Nothing can bring you closer to each other more than that.

It is an experience that you share together. It only lasts an instant, and it will never happen again, at least not in the same way.

You will remember the time you teased yourself, and it will always remain a happy memory that will put a smile on your face even months later.

In this way, you bond with that person and increase your level of intimacy because you both share something that is strictly between the two of you and no one else.

6. Leave a note

S exy, romantic, all kinds of little words. Surprise your spouse before going to work and write him a note.

It doesn’t have to be something important, just write it down on a piece of paper.

A reminder that you are there, in his life and that you love him more than anything.

We are fed up with screens and texts. Do something old-fashioned like writing a poem or leaving a note on the mirror.

Or if you feel more cheeky than usual, write down on a piece of paper your list of s exual desires and how you are feeling right now, and let him ask for more. Trust me, when you get back, he will be mad at you.

7. Keep going out

Always keep this spark alive and find time for both of you. Whether you are married or engaged, you must create time just for the two of you.

You have to find time to chat, laugh or cry.

The important thing is that you are both alone and that you feel free to open up and talk about everything without being disturbed.

8. Break the routine

Routine is the biggest enemy of any successful relationship. We lock ourselves in, slowly, the days are alike, we get tired of it and we want to go.

It is the most common killer of all relationships. So to keep things on track, try to do something different from time to time.

Make a change to break the routine, and you will never tire of your relationship.

9. Love yourself, and respect each other

You will be happy with your relationship once you are happy with yourself.

If you are not satisfied with yourself and if you do not respect yourself, your spouse will do the same.

The negative energy that you radiate will be transferred to your spouse.

That too, could ruin your privacy. If things are not clear to you, you cannot continue to communicate.

And if there is no communication, intimacy cannot grow.