These Romantic Gestures That Women Do That Make Men Think They Are Potential Girlfriends

1. A smile every time she enters a room.

A subtle smile is a sign of affection. Men feel privileged when a woman they like is happy to see them. A smile is an indication of the impatience of their meeting.

2. Compliments.

Who doesn’t love compliments? A lot of men would say they don’t care, but who doesn’t like to hear a pleasant remark from time to time (not too often or it would give the impression of being overplayed).

They particularly appreciate the compliments that make them feel unique. They like to feel appreciated.

It has a meaning all the more important for them, that they rarely receive compliments in the context of a romantic relationship.

3. Hugs.

Although they like to be tough and some men are reluctant to show their feelings, they like to cuddle.

It is the best way to receive love and warmth.

4. Small and gentle gestures.

All the little things that show them that you care about them. Something that lets them know that you are thinking about them.

It can be as simple as wishing her good luck by message before an important event, at work or otherwise.

It can be gentle caresses, on the arm or on the shoulder; a hand in his hair or a kiss on his cheek will melt him.

5. Be attentive

Listening is one of the most beautiful things a woman can do. A man also appreciates having someone who is genuinely interested in what he says.

It can be listening to small daily worries like deep conversations, past anecdotes or plans for the future.

The key is listening.

6. The morning kiss

It’s much better than a wake-up alarm! There is no better way to start your day, especially those that start early and announce a busy day.

If the morning kiss is accompanied by coffee or breakfast, his day is guaranteed!

7. She hums a song while doing what she has to do.

Many men say that they find their girlfriend adorable when she hums a song while driving or taking care of the house.

It is nice to see someone happy and say “I make them happy” makes you feel proud because you made a girl smile.

8. Something that shows effort and imagination

Like giving him the car he dreams of, but in a reduced model. Buy him his favorite ice cream or bake heart-shaped pancakes.

Any little thing showing that you are paying attention to what he likes, that you are making an effort and think about what you can do for him.

9. Tighten it a little longer and a little harder.

By doing this from time to time, you will make a difference from other usual hugs. In this way, he will know that he is your safe zone.

By burying your head in his chest, he will go into protective guardian angel mode. Which will lead him to cuddle and keep you warm for even longer!

10. Massages.

A back massage after a long day of work is a real demonstration of affection.

Innocent massages can also turn into sensual moments, if you’re in the mood. In short, it’s a win-win for both.