Don’t Treat Him As Your Boyfriend Before You Get These 8 Things

1. He makes a real effort to be with you

It’s easy to go on a date when it is you who organize everything. Let him grow up and take the initiative.

He should be able to schedule a real date as it should be instead of just hanging out at your place or at his place.

Even an evening inside can be classified as a great date if it is well thought out, romantic and sweet.

2. He is clear about what he wants

If he is not ready for a relationship, he will beat around the bush, be vague about everything he says and you will never know where you are.

On the other hand, if he is fully into it, he will do more than tell you, he will show it to you. He will not be afraid to introduce you to others as his girlfriend and to name you as such.

3. Relatives know about you

This is a very important thing – a man who is serious and sure of his feelings will tell your friends and family about you. He will want to share his happiness with them.

He does not have to present them to you very early, but they should at least know that you exist. If he’s hiding something from you, it’s that he’s not your boyfriend.

4. He erases all his dating apps

If Tinder (or something similar) is still the main app on his phone, he’s not really dedicated to making it work.

A man who sees you as someone he could be serious with will have no interest in playing and keeping his options open.

It will send you messages and call you and won’t waste time with dating apps.

5. He never acts like you are his property

Relationships are not slavery. Two people should be considered equal and there is no room for someone to act as superior.

It would just be bad and toxic on all levels and if it happens to you, get away from it as soon as possible.

6. He is relaxed about becoming more intimate

Sure, he fantasizes about you and finds you really attractive, but when he considers himself your boyfriend, he will know how to control his desires and gentleman about it.

He doesn’t need to hurry to make love because he intends to stay around. When a man wants something long term, he’s in no rush to sleep with you.

A real boyfriend will respect your space, trust you, and make no fuss when you go out with your friends or make travel plans with them. You should be able to do the same for him.

7. You really have to click

Chemistry is certainly the starting point for any lasting relationship. It’s like an invisible string that ties you to the other person.

Chemistry is not only a question of passion, it is also the power that makes two people accept themselves as they are, with all their faults and virtues.

This is important for the days when you argue and get mad at each other; it reminds you of why you started getting along.

8. You worry less and smile more

It sounds so simple, but it seems that people these days are struggling to understand this.

Love is not about hanging on to an emotional void; it’s not about playing games or just giving away half. Love is not a matter of tears and worry.

Love is a smile on your face because everything you feel and everything you give is reciprocal.

Of course, everyone has problems along the way, but they should never be more important than feelings about each other.

If you have someone who puts your happiness first, you can fearlessly consider them your boyfriend.