Someday you’ll find someone willing to be whatever someone else didn’t want to be

Someday you’ll find someone willing to be whatever someone else didn’t want to be

Love is a wonderful feeling but so complex. Of course, when we love someone, we would like them to invest as much as we do in the relationship and make us happy.

However, some people are just not ready to fully invest in a relationship and give us what we deserve.

Forget about the one who didn’t want to be that person and chose not to stay by your side.

What may be perceived as a defect by one person may be regarded as quality by another. 

There is no such thing as a “hard person to love” what there are compatibility and availability. Without it, a relationship can end up becoming a source of pain and misunderstanding.

We spend a lot of time judging ourselves as “bad” people, wondering what we’re doing wrong, and even blaming life for our failures in love. But before you blame life for putting the wrong person in your way, it’s worth considering that the person hurting you just isn’t the right one for you. But that doesn’t mean that you are responsible or that you are not worthy of love.

There is always someone who appreciates what, for you, has lost interest. You don’t have any “bad luck” in love, you just haven’t found the right person for you, ready to walk with you in the same direction. Love is also a matter of choice. And right now, someone is hoping to cross paths with someone like you.

Someday you will find someone who will be willing to be whatever someone else didn’t know or wanted to be, someone who will fit into your routine and not use it as an excuse to turn your back on you. 

You will find someone who will respect your story and not use your weaknesses against you at the first opportunity.

You will meet a person who will never make you doubt, and at that time you will be absolutely sure of your importance and love. And that day, you will finally know the extraordinary beauty of the word reciprocity and you will understand then that your path was not the problem, that you did not go all wrong, that there were no physical flaws, which you didn’t need to change, you just needed to find another person.

Forget about the one who didn’t want to be that person and chose to turn their back on you at the first opportunity.

Direct your attention to those who want to be the reason for your happiness. As long as you stay focused on what you’ve lost, you’ll never see how much you can have. Look at things with a new outlook and don’t close yourself off in love, because somewhere someone who is a perfect match for you is waiting for you.