This is what your partner secretly expects from you

Your partner wants you to run your fingers lightly along their arm, through their hair, over their hand, when watching a movie.

Your partner wants you to surprise her, but not with a big declaration of love like in the movies. She doesn’t want you to light a hundred heart-shaped candles or a cheesy word, or a serenade with soft music.

Surprise her with croissants, fresh orange juice, and coffee on a Sunday morning after working hard all week.

Pick her favorite movie, even if she’s seen it dozens of times, and organize a movie night around that movie. Let her know you notice the little details.

She wants you to tell her that you love her, at weird, random times when no one would expect it. She wants your words to sound like a kiss on her forehead in the dark, something she struggles to feel but absolutely needs.

She wants your love to be fluid and effortless, and not built around “big moments” that you feel you have to mark.

Of course, there can be special events, but she loves to hear an “I love you” when she makes a clay mask and wears a bathrobe, when it’s the last thing to expect.

She wants you to love her just as much in front of your friends.

She never wants to feel like a drag. She hears how other men can talk about their partner in their absence, as if they were forced into a relationship. She wants to know that you’ll never be like that with her.

She doesn’t want to be the one you remember only when it’s late and you don’t want to sleep alone.

She doesn’t want to be the one you pretend to be watching a movie with, just to hang out for a few hours. She wants you to take a few extra minutes to make things special.

She doesn’t want your money or big gifts, she just wants some of your time and attention.

She wishes she had your patience, in a world where we all go too fast.