What a man does when he falls in love: the 7 stages of love

The feeling of love can be equally intense for both genders, but the stages through which that love is built and consolidated are quite different between the genders.

To make a man fall completely in love with you, you must understand how he thinks and how he falls in love.

We know that when women fall in love everything turns rosy and they are not afraid to show their feelings with affection, sweet words and cloying text messages from the beginning.

But when a man falls in love it is different. And you need to know what exactly is going through his mind in order to fulfill your goal of having him at your feet.

For men, falling in love is a happy experience, but true love doesn’t hit them to their full potential until a while has passed.

While many women can experience a range of intense feelings just by meeting a man they like, men’s minds don’t exactly work this way.

The seven stages of infatuation in men

Typically, men’s infatuation phases can be divided into the following levels.

1.- Physical appreciation

This first stage has everything to do with physical appearance and instant attraction. And yes, we know we hate it that way but the truth is that the vast majority of men are pretty shallow at first glance.

While women truly fall in love in the first conversation, men at first only focus on the physical aspects and nothing else.

Physical appearance is the most important thing for men. But in many cases, it is not necessarily everything. Every guy has his own unique and unrepeatable preferences for what he likes in a woman. Whether it’s her face, her legs, or even the way she plays with her hair.

A man may not even be very clear about what he likes in a woman. But if you find something physically attractive about her, you will enter the stage of physical appreciation.


2.- Infatuation

Men physically appreciate many women a day. They are always trying to take another look or get the attention of those they find attractive.

But those attempts aren’t always successful, either because they didn’t try hard enough or because the girl doesn’t like them.

In these cases, men simply move on to something else. But when the girl has responded with a little attention or agrees to go out on a date, the state of infatuation arrives, that is, the one in which her interest is redoubled.

Infatuation should not be confused with romantic love. It is simply for them that a particular goal is becoming more viable and they are beginning to put a lot of effort and energy into it. A man can thus begin to woo a woman in various charming ways.

He is not yet in love with her but it begins to occupy more and more space in his head.

3.- Attraction

If an attractive girl reciprocates with a boy’s attempts at conquest, he enters the phase of frank attraction which is where he can admit to himself that he likes that particular person enough to initiate a process of dating. courtship.

Up to this point, a man can walk away from a girl without any emotional pain because he has not yet created a bond with her.

He is not really putting all his resources, much less the emotional ones, and if he is rejected he can move on as if nothing because he was not in love, he was just trying his luck.

But when things start to get serious, and the girl shows reciprocal interest in his approaches, the man enters the attraction stage and decides that he will do whatever it takes to make her feel the same way.

Suddenly, the other girls in his environment begin to take a back seat.

4.- Printing

Understanding how a man falls in love can be complicated, what we do know is that no point predisposes him more to fall in love than this. Suddenly, he discovers that all he wants to do is spend time with that special girl and like her very much.

Do things that impress her and make her fall in love, surprise her and take her for a walk or dinner or whatever it is in her power to do.

He is not yet in love because he continues to see the conquest as a goal in itself, but he is already beginning to notice the real person behind that pretty face.

5.- Conviction

When a man has successfully gone through the earlier stages of the falling in love process, he begins to wonder if there is something else that makes his relationship with this special girl.

But instead of falling in love with her, he’s more concerned with making her fall in love. In his head it may still be a challenge, but deep down he does it because he wants her to be just as in love before he has to accept it to himself.

At this stage, he still likes her a lot, as well as spending as much time as possible with her, but the uncertainty is going to confuse him a bit and he may start to act in a bit contradictory ways, but in the end his goal is Get relevance in the eyes of the girl you like.

6.- Reaffirmation

At this point, if things have gone well and he is already dating the woman he likes, a man will be immensely happy and good all day. If things have not gone well, obsession and bitterness can begin to arrive.

But until this moment, his primary goal was for her to develop feelings for him, to become necessary in his life. Now, he wonders how far he can go in the long term with her and begins to form expectations about a more serious relationship.

It is important to note that a man is hardly going to consider a serious relationship with a woman whom he does not feel emotionally safe, and that is why they juggle so much to make them fall in love.

Therefore, it is not up to this point that we can be sure that we are the only one on their map of conquests.

The others may have lost their importance before, but it is at this moment that they make the decision to stay only with the right one. And that you want to be you.

7.- Complete infatuation

If a man is convinced that he really likes a woman and wants to be with her for the long term, he enters the final and ultimate stage of falling in love. On the other hand, if in the previous stage you really weren’t entirely convinced that she was the right fit, chances are you will go back to the attraction stage and stay there. He could also start looking for other girls.

Sometimes this late-stage mistake is what explains why a guy with whom things were going great all of a sudden begins to behave differently “out of nowhere.”