How to use reverse psychology in love: 6 strategies

Many people think that love is something that springs up spontaneously and cannot be supervised. But the reality is that if you learn to properly use reverse psychology in love, you will greatly increase your chances of making someone fall deeply in love with you.

That singular person is not out of your reach if you learn how to manipulate their psyche more effectively.

How to use reverse psychology in love?

Here are 6 attitudes or steps of reverse psychology in love that you must continue sequentially to get anyone to go from not knowing that you exist to being madly in love with you.

The trick, as in everything, is to be patient. One wrong move can bring down the entire strategy, so don’t despair.

1. Don’t give him signs that you like him

The first and most essential thing to understand, if you want to take advantage of reverse psychology in love, is that the other person should not realize how much you like him. It should appear to be as nonchalant to you as possible.

If you are trying to hook up with someone with whom you have little chance, to begin with, you better be careful with your feelings. If that person already knows that you like him and has rejected you, you need to make him think that you lost interest in him or else.

If this is your case, before you start, try to distance yourself a bit and take more relaxed attitudes. Of course, without stopping to be affable.

2. Find out what your priorities are in a couple

The second challenge of reverse psychology in love is that while you feign indifference, you must discover everything you can about the person you want to fall in love with:

  • What are your primary interests?
  • What is your idea of ​​an ideal partner?
  • What genre of books, movies, and music do you like?
  • How have your experiences with your past partners been?

All of this will help you to produce a mental map of the requirements that you need to meet in order to start liking him and that occasionally he realizes that you are “dating material.”

3. Show him that you meet each and every one of the requirements

For example, if he likes fitness people, make him appreciate that you go to the gym and that you take care of yourself. If you find out that your ex was unfaithful, casually comment on how essential loyalty is to you. If he likes art, mention that you have finished going to an exhibition of his favorite painter.

Of course, all this without it being noticed that you affirm it to get their attention. It should be a casual talk as if you did not know that each and every one of these things perfectly fits what you want and expect from a partner.

This step is the one that takes the most time and the one that requires the most patience. Don’t wait for him to realize that you both like the exact same indie rock alternative outfit and fall into your arms immediately just hence.

You have to gradually build a network of positive associations in your head. You will realize that it is marching when either it begins to procure more for you. There you already have his interest, but that does not mean that you have his love, so do not hurry.

4. Let him seek you out and reject him the first few times

The reverse psychology in love will occasionally make the other person look for you. But this is not the moment to throw all your dedication overboard and confess that deep down, always and in all circumstances, you have liked him.

As difficult as it may be, you should continue to feign some indifference. The point is that you do not show interest, but it is also essential that you do not send messages that “close the doors.” That is, in your “I don’t like you” attitude, also throw out a very subtle “I might like you.”

If he asks you out or wants to spend more time with you, politely decline; To serve as an example, you can say that you have other plans. But be careful not to discourage him to the extent that he no longer continues trying. It admits the exit to the third or fourth invitation.

5. Insists that you would not be a “good couple”

Here you can already prove your interest. But also, more than ever, you must state that your own is a kind of “impossible love.” Since the attraction is obvious, put some excuse in the middle that you “wouldn’t be a good match.”

For what reason? Well, people are crazy about challenges and in addition to this, we have seen hundreds and hundreds of stories in film and literature that taught us that quite difficult romances are the best. Essentially, you must give him his story.

Remember that it must be a surmountable circumstance. For example:

We like each other a lot, but I don’t think we should be together because they have hurt me a lot in love.


I actually like you, but I am reluctant to be with you because I think you deserve better.

This will give him a reason to start actively looking for your love, meditate on you all the time and fall into a final and unappealable infatuation with you.

6. Make him think that you are the one who is giving in

Do you remember how in the beginning you were the one who sought the love of the other person and did not give in? Since now that person is the one who seeks the love of someone who does not give in. You have completely turned the situation around thanks to the reverse psychology in love.

But since obviously your claim from the beginning was to be together, you can stop begging yourself. Tell him that “you are going to give him a chance” and try to make it an epic moment that he can not forget.

What is reverse psychology? Examples

Reverse psychology is a manipulative technique that seeks to encourage behavior through the opposite indication.

For example, if a little one is very prone to disagreeing with his parents, one way for him to eat his vegetables is simply to tell him not to eat any more vegetables.

If we want a very attractive person to like us, we can get their attention by pretending that we don’t like him in the least. This is done because it is used to being liked by the whole world and, when someone does not react in this way, that someone is immediately more interesting.