20 obvious signs of flirting you should never miss

Why it’s important to look for signs of flirting

It is important for both men and women to learn a thing or two about the signs of flirting so that they can know the way forward in a relationship. For example, if a man or a woman is flirting with you, you should know. And in the end, be sure to respond accordingly to avoid wasting time. Without further ado, here are some obvious and universal signs of flirting that you shouldn’t miss:

1. Getting playful or ticklish is a sign of flirting

It doesn’t really matter if you guys are busy at work or just hanging out. One thing that will always be obvious when a person is interested in you, be it a girl or a boy, is if they are always very excited to be around you. They will do almost anything to touch you, tickle you, basically anything to make sure you are in contact with them. However, people who are not really interested in others also play this as a game, so you need to be careful.

2. Silly nicknames are among the signs of flirting

If someone is flirting with you, they will always have some cute or silly nicknames that they will openly use for you, even on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It is important that you take note of this because it is a very strong signal of flirting.

3. No awkwardness after flirty comments

When they talk or interact, they will see that they do something as obvious as winks or any other obvious body language to communicate that they are attracted to you. Plus, they won’t look awkward. That is a very obvious sign that they are flirting.

4. One of the signs of flirting is complementing with touching

As stated above, a flirt will always try to emphasize everything with a touch or a wink or deep eye contact. So if you’re not sure if someone is flirting with you or just being nice, try paying attention to how many times they touch you or how they focus on you. Do that and you will get your answer almost instantly. It’s never that hard to tell when someone is flirting, as the signs are always obvious.

5. Holding a photo for no reason may be flirting

Someone who is openly flirting with you will be more than open to having a photo of you for no reason. This is because they find you attractive and want to look at you whenever they get the chance. So if you’re not sure, try offering the coke a photo of you just for the sake of it. If they are really interested in you, they will seize the opportunity. Most of the time, they save the photos you post on Facebook, even without your knowledge.

6. Sharing strange fetishes is one of the signs of flirting

If someone is flirting with you at work, on Facebook, or in real life, they will do everything in their power to get your attention in a good way. They will share funny photos or memes with you, especially if they are suggestive. They will also send you suggestive texts to try to get a nice and warm reaction from you. And if they are flirting with you, you will surely see the signs of that without a doubt.

7. Inside jokes are part of flirting.

In addition to the obvious body language signs, when someone flirts with you, they are always referring to inside jokes / stories that only the two of you can understand. That way, you will always have fun with them, especially when other people have that inestimable confusion when you speak with your own secret code. This is meant to get you closer when it comes to chemistry and is therefore a very important part of being a flirt.

8. Having regular dating conversations is one of the signs of flirting.

Part of flirting involves talking about dating and what the two of you want in a relationship. And the fact that the other person is comfortable discussing these matters could be a cue to let him know what he likes and dislikes, should he ever respond to your flirtation. Most of the time, they do this unconsciously and you will almost always notice it, especially if you are paying attention. Learn to pay attention to these signs and you will never go wrong when someone is flirting with you.

9. A flirtation is always in your case on social networks

Thanks to the internet, one of the newest signs of flirting includes tagging him in funny posts and memes. People who are not interested in you will not share funny things with you: end of story. They will also show signs of flirting by liking your photos and status updates as much as possible. So the next time you suspect someone is flirting with you, always make sure to check their social media activity. You could end up getting the clue you’ve been looking for.

10. A special handshake is one of the obvious signs.

In addition to having a secret or secret language, the person who tries to flirt with you at work or in your social circle will always try to establish a secret handshake with you. And if you respond to that, then it just shows that you feel the same and that you shouldn’t expect any other signs.

11. You can flirt so much that you confuse people

When someone tries too hard to flirt with you, they may have a hard time telling people that you are just a friend. This is because they have generally invested a considerable amount of emotion in you and are at that point when they are no longer sure what you mean to them. And even though they usually end up saying they’re just friends, watch their body language carefully and see how they act when they say this. So in addition to seeing how they react on Facebook, ask them what they’re feeling and check their body language for the signs you need.

12. Being her main focus is one of the clearest signs of flirting.

When someone flirts with you, you will always be their focus at all times, which is a good thing at the end of the day. They will always pay attention to the little things you say and will always follow up on your conversations. They just want you to keep talking because they can’t get enough of you. This is how things are when someone is flirting with you and you shouldn’t miss the signs.

13. The bottom melts when you speak

When the person you’re flirting with is talking to you, it will seem like everything else doesn’t matter. You can always tell when they are paying attention to you every time you speak, which is insanely hot. At first, you may not be able to see this as one of the signs, but with a little practice, you’ll be a master at identifying flirty signs from a mile away.

14. They borrow things and never return them

A flirt will always look for a reason to see you again and again. For example, they will borrow your hoodie and never remember to return it. This is for the purpose of prompting you to take the initiative to go to your place to retrieve it. And by doing so, they will get a chance to flirt with you even more. You need to understand that if someone doesn’t like them, they won’t borrow things from you unless it’s a matter of life and death.

15. Sleepovers are an unwritten rule

Someone who is trying to be with you, especially if they are just friends, will do almost anything to sleep. Yes, they had an amazing night together. And now that the person you’re flirting with has taken you out and can’t come home, they’ll take the opportunity for a sleepover, even if they’re on the couch. After all, it is a step to jump into bed with you. And so even if the signs may seem a bit vague, you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to him, whether the person you’re flirting with is doing it online (i.e. Facebook) or at work. The signs are always the same at the end of the day.

16. Single is written all over her forehead

When someone is openly flirting with you, they will almost always claim that they are single before even being asked. The opposite is true if someone doesn’t like you because they will always deny that they are single, even if they are. You should always pay close attention to seemingly insignificant signs like these, including your body language.

17. The blush is part of the signs.

Well this sign here is self explanatory. If someone likes you, they will always blush, especially if you do something as naughty as winking or kissing them. So the next time you’re not sure someone’s flirting with you, you can do yourself a favor and try to make them blush. If they do, then they are very interested in you.

18. There is a lot to verify you

Flirting causes people to do a lot of silly things, including taking a look at the person they’re interested in. And if you look closely, you will always find the person who is looking at you looking at you because they just can’t seem to get enough of you. Every time your crush has, their eyeballs will be rolling around the room looking for you. With that said, you should consider one of the flirting signs that you should take with a pinch of salt.

19. Lots of laughs and smiles

Another telltale sign that someone is flirting with you is smiling at you when you speak. If it’s a girl, you can combine that with a little giggle and will always try to maintain as much eye contact as possible. Again, these are some important signs of flirting that you should not miss. You just need to pay close attention.

20. Their eyes shine when they see you

Last but not least, people who are trying to flirt with you will always go out of their way to connect. You can see the fire in their eyes that can never be mistaken for mere friendship, not even for a second. Well, the person who said that the eyes are the window to someone’s soul didn’t really lie and therefore can use that to their advantage.


When it comes to flirting, people exhibit different signs, so you should always be vigilant. And once you’ve established that someone likes you, it would be nice if you take the next step ASAP. The last thing you want is to guide someone and end up disappointing.