15 ways to tell if a shy girl likes you or not

She’s in love with you, but trying not to show you

The psychology of crushes is the hardest subject of all. Does she like me? I don’t like her? Not even a fortune teller can ease your heart. It’s hard to pick up clues in the breadcrumbs your crush leaves you. For a shy girl, she may not even have breadcrumbs for her to pick up because they don’t know how to express themselves.

Are you trapped in this situation? Well, even the quietest girl in the world has something to tell. You cannot hide your features when you are in love with someone. As subtle as it is, you will be able to tell as long as you know what you are looking for. Check out these 15 posters to see if your girl likes you too!

15 signs a shy girl likes you

1. She enrolls in the same classes as you

We all sign up for random classes when we are in high school or college for grades. But is he enrolling in too many classes with you to be a coincidence? Your instinct is correct. She enrolls in all those classes because you are in them. Shy girls don’t just come to you and yell their love at you. Being with you that way is already a pretty obvious way to show off.

2. She doesn’t start conversations but will keep them going as much as she could

There are always girls who make you think they’re not interested because they never text first. For a shy girl, texting first is probably more difficult than taking a test. The fear of having blue ticks and not knowing what to say correctly can be overwhelming.

Whenever you text, she will reply as soon as possible and try to keep the conversation going. He wants to keep talking to you. Can’t seem to find a good topic.

3. She blushes, looks down, and smiles a lot

A classic shy girl counts. She blushes, looks down, and smiles at all your silly jokes. Whatever you say, she always keeps that polite smile on her face and wants you to keep talking. Don’t expect a shy girl to laugh out loud at your joke or react hysterically. They probably won’t even react dramatically to things for their entire life. That doesn’t mean they don’t find you interesting or funny. They are simply more reserved.

4. Avoid eye contact, but look at you

This is how everyone does when they are shy. They want to see you, but they don’t want you to know that they are interested. So they pretend they don’t care and avoid eye contact, yet secretly (or maybe not so secretly if you can tell) they check you out. It is usually most obvious when you are riding the bus together. He takes a look at you, at that face, he dreams of every night.

5. She helps you all the time

t’s more about being kind and transmitting joy. There is more to the story if she helps you every time. She cares about you and wants the best for you. Whatever you ask for, she wants to be able to give it to you.

6. She offers subtle opportunities to spend time with you

Do you often find yourself in the same group as her for a school project? Often he volunteers to do the same topic that interests you. You might be surprised how much you have in common with her, but it’s just her trying to impress you and spend time with you.

7. Her friends often smile maliciously when they see you go by

You know that sneaky, semi-evil smile you give your friends when you see their crush approaching? That is exactly what I am talking about. Her friends know that she has a crush on you and that she is too shy to act on it. So when you walk by, they give you that cheeky grin, leaving you half sure they were talking about you, but not entirely sure what the matter is about.

8. Her friends often change the subject when you join the circle

They seem to laugh and are very happy. As soon as you walk towards them, they instantly change the subject after noticing. Don’t take it personally, they don’t hate you. They were only talking about you because their shy friend has a crush on you.

9. Her friends try to create opportunities for the two of you

“It’s poetry night!” “It’s comic-con!” “Why don’t you two go together?”

Classic wing girl move. Suggest an activity that the two of you can go to together and just gently swipe the “maybe you two should go together.” They’re just creating opportunities for the two of you to be alone as she’s too shy to ask you out and you’re probably not sure how she feels about you.

10. She cares about your interests

She starts studying Tesla because that’s all you talk about. She brings her own straw to restaurants because you always say that it is important to be green. She is influenced by you. You seem to have a lot of power over their decisions and even their opinions on things. Someone who cares so much about your interests says a lot. They are interested in you, really. Who has the energy to dedicate his life like this if he is not in love?

11. She sets the whole plan every time you invite her to something

You may seem overly excited and plan everything down to the smallest details just to make sure the plan will be implemented successfully. Taking good care of this plan means that you care who you are doing this plan with. Try inviting her to a few events and you can see exactly how much she cares.

12. She is always here when you are upset

She refuses to leave until she can be sure that you will be okay. She is there to listen to you and offers solutions. Quite simply, she just wants to be there even if she can’t help with the situation.

13. She makes cookies for you and finds an excuse to give them to you

“I have some extra cookies.” “I was trying a new recipe.”

She blushes when she tells those little lies when she thought that no one realizes that she made those cookies for you. The best way to capture someone’s heart is through their stomach. This statement will always be true.

14. She only flirts with you through text messages

The digital world makes her a little more daring with her actions. She feels safer flirting with you over text than in person. A little awkward and shy in person, but a different person texting is another sign that she likes you.

15. She stutters a lot when she is with you

It’s not hard to guess why shy people are less social, to begin with. They are not used to being around people they are not 100% comfortable with. Being with the person you like can be stressful and stuttering. Even normal people are shy around the person they like, much less shy girls. If he doesn’t stutter with his friends but does stutter with you, that is a clear sign.

What to do next?

Now that you know she likes you and is obviously interested in her too, it’s time to take action. With his girls, you can never be too aggressive. You have to take it easy and let it digest and prepare slowly. Invite her to a concert, something that will make people relax and enjoy themselves. And then invite her to dinner and a drink. Gradually increase the time you spend together each time.

The key is NOT to jump into a long activity or something that is too aggressive. For example, don’t ask her for a movie marathon at your house, as it can be intimidating for her, and don’t suggest that you go out of town on a day trip, spending too much time with you at once can be stressful for a girl. Shy.

Make it easy gradually, let him know that you are interested too and let him adjust to being around you and everything will be fine. Sometimes it’s not that she doesn’t like you, just that she’s not ready if things go too fast. Be patient and understanding, let her take the rhythm with which she is comfortable.


Look, it’s not that hard to tell if a shy girl likes you or not. The best part about shy girls is that they are usually terrible liars, which makes it easy for you to tell. Now that you know how it feels, it’s time to act on it! What are you still waiting for? We even have solutions for you!