How to forget someone with these 10 keys (that work!)

No matter how hard you try, you can’t forget someone special in your life? It is completely normal, it has happened to all of us at some time.

Maybe you want to be able to think about that person without causing you pain. Time to time. Everything will come; think that it is a process that one day will end and that it will bring well-being and personal growth with it.

In the meantime, here we show you a series of guidelines to help you in that complicated stage of having to forget someone. Patience, courage and remember: “It never rains forever.”

10 keys to forget someone effectively

Take a quiet breath to reflect on our proposals. They will surely give you ideas to cope with this moment.

1. Get rid of everything you have yours

When in the daily course of your day-to-day you begin to find the small details that remind you of the best moments you shared, your attempt to forget someone can be easily ruined.

Therefore, try to collect everything that belonged to that special person, or that in some way reminds you intimately of him or you together, and throw it away. But if you see that it is very difficult for you to do it, calm down; Prepare a box with all these objects and keep it tightly closed and inaccessible.

When enough time passes, perhaps the day will come when you find those things again you will not feel nostalgic, or that you may decide to throw them away without any problem.

2. Make a list of things you don’t like about that person

When we are in love, it seems as if we can only focus on those aspects that we love about that person. The problem is when you try to forget someone and you are continually remembering how incredible they are because with that all you do is idealize them and long for them even more.

Therefore, it would not hurt to remember something: We all have defects and he is no exception. So, take your most rational vision, think coldly about how that person is, and go writing down those things that you do not like about him.

Try to take that list with you to continue expanding it when you fall into one of those aspects of him that bothers you. But also to be able to read it when you begin to idealize it; This way you will remember that it is not as incredible as you insist on continuing to see it.

3. Negative association game

What is it about? Well, to be able to think of something negative when you think of that person you are trying to forget.

As the natural tendency is usually to idealize her, focus on focusing on something about her that you don’t like and every time her memory assails you, try to associate it with her defects.

Little by little it will become that automatism that will make things easier for you.

4. Spend time on your favorite hobbies

When we get fully involved with an activity that we are passionate about, all our senses and our mind are connected to what we are doing, therefore we will be in an ideal state of flow that will help us forget someone (at least for that time) that we want to get out of our mind.

Spending time on tasks that excite you creates a state of mind of well-being that will keep sad thoughts at bay.

Therefore, it is a good time to ask yourself if you have stopped doing something that you loved during the time you were with that person, consider learning or returning to that hobby that long ago you liked so much, or why not? Perhaps the day has come to undertake a project that makes you excited.

5. Take care of your self-esteem and feel good about yourself

It seems automatic and maybe you haven’t even realized it, but it often happens that during the time you try to forget someone, while you idealize that person more, the more you underestimate yourself.

It is quite normal since the negative emotions associated with that loss promote that your mood is low. And being like this, it is difficult to see things clearly, even your own virtues, which are surely many.

Therefore, when you realize that you are praising the many benefits of someone who is no longer by your side, stop and take that affection that you dedicate to him with your thoughts, and turn it into yourself, to see you with equally kind eyes.

Discover yourself what an incredible person you are. Now it’s time to fall in love with yourself.

6. Change your routines

If even though time has passed, you continue visiting the same places you went and continue doing those things you did, you will be boycotting yourself in your attempt to forget someone.

Since your relationship has changed, it is also time to implement new dynamics that allow you to remember that you are in a different stage, which can also be much better.

Detect those habits and automatisms that you had associated with your relationship with that person, and introduce alternatives to implement them in their place.

Very important: Prepare especially appetizing plans for those special dates that had your names.

7. Practice a new habit: Ignore it.

It may be that it is quite complicated if you have to meet him frequently because it is inevitable since you share jobs or a circle of friends, but if possible, limit as much as possible the treatment and contact with that person the one you want to forget.

8. Accept your thoughts

When you want to forget someone, it is not about repelling the thoughts that may come to you, but about being able to let them enter your mind and know how to let them go .

Try to distract yourself, but count on the fact that it is inevitable that you will think of that person from time to time. If it happens, do not fight it, because your resistance towards it will generate an even greater reinforcement.

But yes, get back to your business as soon as you can.

9. Have a confidant

It is not about having someone to call every time you remember him, but to forget someone, sometimes we need a little outside help to give us that space we need to operate the change of thought.

In the same way that you will have to face your most intimate moments of facing the new situation by yourself, count on the support and active listening of a good friend with whom you can open up and express how you are dealing with it.

Surely if he is the right person, in addition to giving you constructive feedback, he will know how to make dark moments much brighter.

10. Hang out with other people

You may think that it is too early to start a new relationship when what you are trying is to forget someone. But do not take it as such, but rather as the fact of giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy the company of other people again.

It is not about you going with the first one to pass, but about opening yourself up to those people that you like or find attractive for some reason. Although yes, be honest at all times and do not create false expectations.