4 signs to detect a toxic relationship

When we are immersed in a situation, it is sometimes difficult to have an objective perspective of things. In love matters it also happens, for that reason, it becomes relatively frequent not to detect a toxic relationship when we are one of the members of the couple.

Perhaps at some time, people around you have warned you about attitudes that they have observed in the way your partner acts, or yourself, and that is shocking for what they consider to be a healthy relationship. It may be a difference of views, but it is also possible that the feelings are blinding us.

If you suspect that they may be right, in our article we will tell you 4 signs to detect a toxic relationship.

4 signs and symptoms to detect a toxic relationship

While things can sometimes be so subtle that you can’t explain exactly what is going on, these signs may help you see the situation a little more clearly.

1. You feel self-conscious when expressing your opinion

It may be that you are very clear about certain topics that have become taboo between you or you may not know what the reason really is, but for a while now since you are with your partner, you realize that the naturalness with which you were expressing your way of thinking has disappeared.

Perhaps you do not realize which situations are the ones that make you be more careful when speaking, but you have noticed a change in yourself and now you are less spontaneous because something tells you that by repressing certain comments you avoid arguments, bad faces, or distance from you on their part.

Pay attention to these details because it can be a sign of being in a toxic relationship with your partner.

2. Condition the way you dress

Could it be that your attractive side has been relegated to your strictest intimacy without being able to openly express your own sensuality or in the smallest details of your look? Or perhaps, on the contrary, you are forced to dress and put on makeup in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable just to please him?

The way you dress, the way you put your makeup on… is still an extension of your own personality; You are also expressing yourself with your image, the way you feel, the way you perceive life.

Therefore, anyone who limits the way you groom yourself is also putting limits on your freedom of expression. Do you think that whoever conditions their love based on how you dress really loves you? Stop and think about it for a moment, because you could find yourself in a toxic relationship.

3. Contempt both your problems and your personal merits

When he has a bad day or a problem to solve, you are always all ears for him and dedicate all your energy to supporting him or helping him find solutions. But nevertheless, when it comes to you, you know that having active listening is an option that you don’t have.

If at the time of telling him your concerns he offers you an expression of disinterest and his attitude of indifference does not show that he cares about what you are sharing with him, or when you talk about your achievements you can only count on his disdain, ask yourself to what extent it deserves It is worth continuing to trust such a person.

4. Control your way of relating to people around you

An unmistakable sign to detect a toxic relationship is when those relationships of friendship, work, or even family, which should not be affected by the fact of being in a relationship, end up resulting in an unjustified distancing.

Think that when you join a person through the trust that is woven within a couple, that acceptance of your way of being is also accepting the healthy bonds that you maintain with your loved ones. You may not share the same enthusiasm for cultivating a friendship, for example, but accepting your decision is one more form of respect that should be unquestionable.

Be careful: Did you know that we all have toxic attitudes sometimes?

Since we are asking ourselves and observing behaviors that can detect a toxic relationship, let’s do an exercise in humility and recognize that, sometimes, we can all make these types of mistakes.

Fortunately, as long as we are able to discover them and accept our failures, we will be on the right track to improve and continue to grow as a person and, consequently, also as a couple.