7 Reasons Men With Sisters Make The Best Boyfriends

Ladies, we all know that there is a certain unofficial rulebook we have for judging men.

Even if we haven’t written down all the criteria, it exists in the clouds, somewhere up there.

The scale includes looks, personality, wealth, sense of humor, and likeability… the list can be endless.

While we try to find the best match based on these general categories, we may be ignoring an extremely important factor.

I’m sure you’ve caught yourself asking, “His eyes are beautiful, but is he for dating?” or “He’s really funny, but can I live with the fact that he just doesn’t know how to dress?” However, you’ve probably never said, “I wonder if he has any sisters.”

A man’s family ties may not be your initial thought, but they can say a lot about whether or not someone will be good for you.

There are several benefits to being with a guy who calls another woman his sister.

I found this out firsthand dating a guy who had two older sisters.

As an only child, I never really thought about the importance of siblings.

Now, I realize that before him, I had never dated anyone with sisters.

However, being with someone’s little brother showed me the meaning.

Here are seven reasons to prove it:

1. He is respectful

They say chivalry is dead, but guys who have sisters realize that women should be treated well.

Whether it’s the first time his father scolded him for being mean to his sister or simply because he grew up among women, a guy who has sisters knows how to respect the opposite gender.

Although he was probably the annoying brother, he has matured into a man who realizes the value of his sisters and other women.

And he’s not afraid to show it to you.

2. He is protective

We’ve all heard stories of brothers standing up to other guys for trying to beat up their sisters.

It’s obvious that men are naturally territorial, especially when it comes to family.

A guy who has sisters and has a lot of experience is ready for any “bad boy” that might cross his path.

This directly translates to how he handles men who try to come between him and his girlfriend.

He won’t let anyone hurt you or even get close to you, especially if he thinks you’re in danger.

3. He has seen what a broken heart is

A guy who has sisters knows that girls do cry.

A bad breakup likely left him a witness to his sister’s most vulnerable moments.

He was probably a shoulder to cry on, or at least a person to vent to.

He is well aware that men are capable of being idiots and that girls can suffer heartbreak.

Also, he experienced it first hand.

If he cares as much about you as he does about a family member, he won’t want to see you go through the same pain.

4. He understands women

Most men want to believe that women are robots who lack human needs and capabilities.

However, a guy who has a sister has been with her for pretty much his entire life.

He saw the tampons in the bathroom cabinet.

He knows she washes her makeup off at night.

He’s likely lost food competitions to her on several occasions.

He’s seen her at her best and her worst.

This makes it easier for you to feel comfortable with him, especially at the beginning of your relationship.

You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not, because he knows what’s behind all the glitz and glamour.

5. He knows you have emotions

Ask a guy who has a sister if he’s ever seen her laugh or cry.

He likely dealt with PMS, was the butt of countless jokes, and tried to help when she was stressed or worried.

He realizes that mood swings really do exist and we can be the kindest, most caring people on the planet.

Although he might get tired of you from time to time, he knows that eventually, you will get back to normal.

6. He has someone to ask for advice

Sisters are the best people we can exchange ideas with, especially when it comes to you.

If he’s afraid you won’t like the birthday present he bought, he might ask her opinion (or ask her to accompany him).

If he is unsure about the fate of the relationship, he may explain the situation to her and ask her what to do.

Plus, she probably won’t be afraid to tell him that the outfit he’s wearing for the date is hideous.

No one knows women better than women, and with a sister, he has the upper hand.

7. He knows what you want

Being around girls taught him that we can be extremely different from men.

He knows that while he wants to spend time with the guys, you also want time with him.

He knows you loved those shoes, even if your hints are subtle.

He knows you gossip with your friends about boys and girls and everything in between.

He accepts it all.

Whether or not a guy has a sister may not be on your radar when you’re pulling information on him.

However, his family tree can reveal a lot about how he will treat you in the long run.

I mean Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, Josh Duhamel, and David Beckham have sisters.

Need more evidence than that?

I don’t think so.