12 Signs You’re Dating a Man, Not a Boy

Women, real men do exist – and they’re not the bad guys you’re used to dating.

There are fully grown men in this world and they would love to be with you.

The truth is, you don’t have to settle for any boy who comes your way.

Indeed, you must not be content; you are doing a real injustice.

If you’re going to be with a man, be with a grown man.

Simply put, they are better for you.

They are more fun.

They are more reliable.

And they are better in bed.

Seriously, there’s no reason to date the idiots you’re dating.

Although to be fair, it can be hard to tell the difference – especially at first glance.

But over time, it’s easy to separate the men from boys.

In case you need a little extra help, here’s a checklist for you:

1. His apartment looks like an apartment.

It’s not a frat house.

It’s not a zoo.

It’s not a garbage dump, but a real apartment.

He doesn’t necessarily need to have his own apartment.

It doesn’t even need to be extravagantly furnished, but you should be able to distinguish the floor from the rest of the place.

Grown men pride themselves on surrounding themselves with an environment that supports an active and healthy lifestyle.

If he’s too lazy to keep his own place clean, then he’s definitely too lazy for the more important things in life.

2. He does what he does because he enjoys doing it – he is more than capable of motivating himself.

That’s not to say that a guy who works at McDonald’s isn’t a grown man.

Unless, of course, that’s where he plans to stay.

It’s really all about the plan.

Grown men have plans to get from point A to point B.

Most importantly, they are motivated to go further.

3. He never needs a babysitter.

No matter the situation… if your man is capable of taking care of himself and doing his thing, then he’s a grown man.

If you’re dating a guy who needs you to take him home after a night out or to keep him on a leash so he doesn’t do something stupid, then I think you know the type of guy you’re dating…

4. When he has a problem, he speaks his mind – and does so calmly and respectively.

You see, grown men don’t agree with everything women say.

They have a mind of their own and are more than happy to voice their opinions.

However, they do this with respect and are always open to hearing your views on the matter.

5. He has his own priorities – and you know you’re definitely one of them.

Guys who are lost in life aren’t much more than boys.

Men have direction.

Boys have time to play.

If your man knows what he wants out of life and gives attention and care to all the things that are most important to him, then you have a winner.

6. He takes care of himself – body and mind.

Your body is your temple and your mind is your high priest.

He lives by his own religion – his own philosophies.

He understands that to feel good, you need to feel healthy.

He is a well-tuned machine, inside and out.

7. He supports you and your dreams, always encouraging you and keeping things positive.

It’s the men who tell you that you can’t do something, that you can’t do something, that they are toxic.

Grown men don’t like to use the word “I can’t,” especially when it comes to the women they love.

8. He doesn’t complain, because he knows that complaining doesn’t produce results.

He sticks his nose in and produces results.

Complaining is for boys.

He’s a grown man.

9. He makes decisions but is more than comfortable letting you take the wheel.

It’s never necessary to have one of those useless “what do you want to do?”, “I don’t know, what do you want to do” conversations.

If you ask him what he wants to do, he’ll give you options, not a question or a salvo in response.

10. When the two of you are alone, he is not interested in anything but you.

He’s not worried about the TV show, the song on the radio, or anything other than taking off his clothes.

He is a man, an animal.

And he’s more than interested in letting the animal out to play.

11. He admits he is wrong when he is.

He doesn’t point fingers or tries to maneuver his way out of the situation.

He understands that being wrong is part of human nature.

There’s no shame in that.

He understands that you can’t learn if you can’t admit you’re wrong.

12. He knows your worth and appreciates you for you.

He doesn’t just say he loves you – he shows you that he loves you.

For him, you are part of his life.

You are an extension of him.

He cares about you and knows that words fall short of the emotions he feels for you.

He is not shy about showing you that he loves you because you are one of the most important aspects of his life.