11 Top Relationship Fights That Mean You Should Probably Break Up, According to Experts

Ending a relationship is difficult. 

Sometimes we end up in relationships that we know aren’t right, but we stay because it seems easier somehow. 

Despite how much you want to deny it, there are big relationship fights that mean you should break up with your boyfriend or husband, and fights over certain issues just shouldn’t be ignored. 

As you’ll see in the points below, all these fights revolve around the fundamentals of what makes a successful relationship work.

If you and your partner have been together a long time, it might seem like the worst thought in the world to have to go back to being single. 

Maybe you’re not even sure you love your partner anymore, but instead of putting yourself back in the ring, you plan on staying with them a little longer, hoping, wishing, and praying that things will change.

Maybe things will change… but maybe they won’t. If you’re constantly fighting with your partner about important things — like fidelity, money, marriage, life goals, jealousy, and the like — now might be the right time to examine whether the relationship is really working. 

If not, it might be better to cut ties sooner rather than later. It’s going to be tough? Yup.

Will you feel better blogging ahead and finding someone you are more compatible with? Yup.

If there’s a fight going on for any of these 11 reasons, it could mean you should consider breaking up, according to experts.

1. One of the two partners is regularly dishonest

Honesty is very important in a relationship, but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this twice.

Of course, there will be white lies here and there (ie, “That new haircut looks great,  honey”), but most couples should strive to be open and honest with each other.

If you and your boyfriend or husband are fighting regularly because one of you is dishonest when it comes to big things — like where you spent the night — the signs could be pointing to a breakup.

According to Kristen Houghton, author of  And Then I’ll Be Happy! Stop sabotaging your happiness and put your own life first,  who wrote a Huffington Post article on the subject, if one of you is lying about loyalty or money, in particular, it’s almost impossible to have real trust in the relationship again in the future…

2. You want different things from the relationship

When you and your boyfriend or husband find that you’re constantly fighting over the future, it’s time to take a closer look at whether you’re with the right person.

Dr. Danielle Dowling, a relationship expert and life coach based in Los Angele said that when it comes to important topics – like where you want to live, marriage, kids, etc. – it is important that the two are on the same wavelength. Dowling wrote about a straight couple : “If you and your man are on opposite ends of the spectrum on these topics or the timing of these issues – you’ll likely be unhappy if you stay together.”

3. your hopes and aspirations don’t align at all

According to experts, when two people have hopes and aspirations that don’t meet their eyes, it’s hard for the relationship to get over it, especially when it starts causing major fights relevant to the topic.

The agency’s experts said that doesn’t mean you’re bad people — just that your desires don’t necessarily complement each other.

4. You are forcing yourself to give up your dreams

In the same line of thought as hopes and dreams, another fight that can arise between a couple with different paths is that caused by a partner who wants the other to renounce his desires.

Terry Gaspard, a licensed therapist, author, and college professor specializing in divorce, children, and relationships, said in the Huffington Post that if a partner is asking you to change who you truly are, it’s time to leave.

He added that this includes his values, goals, and/or dreams.

5. You feel that your values ​​are being compromised

Speaking of values, when fights start to pop up because you feel like your values ​​are being compromised in your relationship, that’s a red flag, according to Ravid Yosef, love and relationship coach.

“Commitment is necessary for a relationship, but not if it means compromising yourself and your values,” Yosef wrote. Yosef also said that if you start to feel like you’re making all the commitment and your partner isn’t meeting you halfway, it can lead to resentment.

6. One of you is highly jealous

Are you the type of partner who is always searching your boyfriend’s or husband’s Instagram feed in the quest to find a little clue that someone else is into his?

Jealousy has a bad connotation for a reason – it can play against a relationship in devastating ways. Jealousy fights can destroy a relationship, according to Dr. Rachel Sussman, a licensed therapist and relationship expert who talked about signs you should break up with your boyfriend or husband.

Sussman told the network: “If you’re dating someone who is extremely jealous and irrational, that’s a huge red flag. You must finish and run.

7. One does not support the other

This looks all too familiar to me. An ex of mine and I fought constantly because I never felt he supported me in everything I did. After a while, the relationship exploded into pieces.

According to experts, this lack of support on one (or both) sides of a relationship can lead to fights that are worth breaking up.

Experts have noted that if your boyfriend or husband shows little interest in your ambitions and puts himself first at every step, it could mean it’s time to cut the rope.

8. One of you doesn’t “show up”

Are you and your partner constantly fighting over the fact that someone tends to go away for a long time or just hang out with friends instead of spending time together?

Women’s Health spoke to Jane Greer, Ph.D., a relationship expert about breakups, and Greer noted that if you’re looking for excuses not to spend time with your boyfriend or husband, take it as a sign.

Greer told the press that if your biggest excitement is taking a break from your boyfriend or husband — rather than scheduling a time to be together — that could mean your relationship is heading in the wrong direction.

9. One or both are not happy

Another thing I’ve dealt with personally, and I’m sure some of you have too: You’re in a relationship that used to make you super happy, and for some reason, you can’t really explain, it just doesn’t happen anymore. makes you happier.

Soon, you will be fighting with your partner for not being happy, although you cannot fully communicate why. Author and relationship coach Jordan Gray wrote on his website that you should listen to these feelings. Gray noted, “Not being happy within your relationship is reason enough to end it.”

10. One of you two is very distracted

Sound familiar? If you and your partner constantly argue about one of you looking distracted, you may want to reevaluate the relationship. Sussman said it’s a red flag when our eyes start to wander in a relationship.

While nothing may have happened physically, it is the first sign that either party is looking for romantic fulfillment elsewhere outside of the relationship. If fights are breaking out over this, look closely at the relationship – chances are something bigger is wrong that is pulling you both apart.

11. It’s the same fight over and over…and then all over again

Lastly, if you and your partner are constantly having the same fight over and over and nothing is changing for the better, it could mean things are coming to an end.

According to Yosef’s advice in his article, “If you’ve been talking about the same issue for months without having an answer, a commitment, or the next steps to take, and you’re not interested in outside help, it’s time to ask. move on ”.


The next time you and your partner get into an argument, consider whether it was due to one of these main topics. 

In that case, it could very well mean that this person is not the right person for you and that’s okay. 

Remember the saying that I personally like to say to myself… Man is like a cookie, one goes and 18 goes.