Should I Marry Him? 17 Great Signs That Shout “Yes!”

You meet a man and fall in love.

Your heart says all you need to know, but is love really enough?

Are you wondering, should I marry him?

I believe that when it comes to deciding whether to marry the man you love, you are the only one who can tell if it’s the right thing to do.

No one knows your relationship as intimately as you do.

Nobody has the right to say if you will be happier with someone else.

So, if you are thinking about the question “Should I marry him?”, keep reading.

17 signs you should

If you’re in doubt and need some basic guidance, these 17 signs will help you see if he’s the one for you.

Don’t take these 17 signs as proof that you should marry the man you’re with.

Listen to your heart too.

1 He Treats You Like A Queen.

Marry the man who treats you like a queen.

Don’t let him be number two in his life and certainly don’t accept him belittling you.

If you want the marriage to last forever, he needs to know how to treat a woman right.

2 He Proved His Love.

Words are easily said.

Don’t trust “I love you” unless it turns words into actions.

If your man shows trust, patience, loyalty, and kindness, you can be sure he can’t do anything else to prove his love for you.

3 He Is Financially Stable.

I’m not saying only marry him if he’s rich.

I’m saying marry him if he’s financially responsible.

That means he earns a decent living, pays his bills on time, and has some left over for the future.

4 His Parents Love You.

Always remember when you marry a man, you are not only marrying him but his family as well.

It is always a great advantage to be very sociable with the in-laws, especially if he is the “mummy’s boy”.

5 You Can’t Imagine A Life Without Him.

If the very thought of living the rest of your life without him brings tears to your eyes, it is a definite sign that you love him and that he is the one for you.

6 He Wants You To Be Happy.

This is not done through expensive and materialistic things, but through intelligence and charm.

If he makes you laugh and always makes you feel loved and happy, no matter the situation, he’s a protector.

7 He Fights Fairly.

A man who does not resort to physical or emotional abuse is a real man.

If your man has a temper he can’t control, seriously reconsider saying “yes” at the altar.

At least until he resolves these anger issues.

8 He Hears You.

That doesn’t mean listening to you when you talk about your friends or when you ask him to take out the trash.

I mean really listen to you.

This means paying attention not only to your words but also to your heart.

A man who does this without batting an eye is not to let go.

9 He Supports You Emotionally.

You are an independent woman who has her own glow.

No matter how tough and independent you are, you need someone in your life to support you emotionally.

If your man always supports you no matter what, it’s a surefire sign that he’s the one for you.

10 He Is The Number One Person For You.

He is your emergency contact, your confidant, your jester, your best friend, your lover, your knight in shining armor.

If this man is everything you need and more, it’s a sure sign he was made for you.

11 He Wants A Future With You.

From discussing children to where you’re going to live, it’s important to establish a basic framework for your future together before you get married.

If you’ve talked about the life you’re going to build together with him and the two of you are on the same wavelength, go ahead and walk down the aisle to the aisle.

Don’t marry a man who can’t imagine a future with you.

12 You’ve Been Through the Worst Together.

Marriage is a matter of teamwork.

Most couples who go a long way have an innate ability to solve problems together.

It’s hard to be on the same wavelength with another person, especially in stressful situations.

Examples include bankruptcy or other financial difficulties, illness, and even the death of someone close to you.

So if you’ve been through some dark times together and come out unscathed, there’s a very good chance the two of you should be husband and wife.

13 You Made Many Memories Together.

Most, if not all, of her happiest memories, involve him.

If you look back on your past and appreciate all the good times you shared with it, there’s a good chance your future will be just as happy as the past.

14 He Understands You.

Once you find a man who loves you despite your flaws, even the most disgusting parts, he’s probably the one for you.

15 He Makes Your Heart Flutter.

If you’re going to commit to a man for the rest of your life, you better make sure he’s good – in and out of bed.

The man you marry should be able to turn you on, make your heart flutter, and make you want to jump into his arms, even if he’s just relaxed in his sweats.

16 You Are Admired For Each Other.

There needs to be mutual respect before you walk down the church aisle.

For example, I won’t deny that I still look up to my fiancé even though we’ve been together for seven years.

From his dedication to building a life for us, to his patience during difficult times, he continues to impress me daily, and I am grateful for him.

17 He Is Willing To Make The Effort.

It’s not just you doing everything to make the relationship work.

He makes the effort too.

From apologizing after an argument to doing the laundry, your man should be actively involved in your relationship.


Read as many lists as you like and seek out truckloads of advice from all corners of the world, but at the end of the day, you should listen to your heart.

It all comes down to how you feel and how hard you are willing to work for the union.