Behavior of the Man Who Loves: See 6 Clear Signs!

It is not always easy to know the behavior of a man in love! You have to differentiate a man in love from a man who is interested in you.

1. Your look

The look is the reflection of the soul we usually say. And in love this couldn’t be more true! A man in love will devour your eyes , especially in the early days of the relationship.

If you’ve been together for a while,  he’ll still look at you, but more tenderly than passionately. What’s even better! This means that despite the time and obstacles that have passed, you still have a special place in his heart.

Of course, if you’ve been together for years, he’s not going to spend his life staring at yours. But sometimes you see him watching you while you’re reading or cooking. You know you still like him, there’s no doubt about it!

2. He made you a beautiful place in his life

He introduced you to his family, to his friends, he is proud of you and he wants to show all the people that he is dear to him.

He makes you his priority. If you don’t already live together, he makes himself available as soon as he can. And if you live together, you can see that he makes an effort to spend more time with you.

3. He listens to you and tries to understand you

It is customary to say that men come from Mars and women from Venus. This, in particular, is why it is often difficult to get a man to talk about his problems (but not impossible!).

Your love, even if it doesn’t always understand you, does everything to make you happy. He understands the importance of listening and doesn’t get upset when you tell him about your problems or your workday. He knows how important this is to you and will be happy to hear from you.

4. He supports you

He supports you in all your projects and your success is important to him. He respects you 300% and your personal development is just as important to him as his.

If you want to change jobs, for example, he will work with you to find the best solution and help you.

5. He accepts you for who you are

He accepts both his strengths and his flaws. He knows you’re a bit manic around the edges and sometimes very jealous, but he’s gotten used to it and even finds it cute.

He knows he can never change you and he never tried to. He also knows that he himself has flaws that you carry and that’s what makes your couple beautiful. Together, with your strengths and weaknesses, you form the most perfect of imperfect couples. 

6. He is really present in everyday life

A man in love will do anything for you free. He didn’t get stuck in the 18th century like many others. For him, homework is equally distributed.

If you cook, he will do the dishes. If you go shopping, he’ll do the housework… He doesn’t expect you to repeat 15 times that he has to do this or that. He feels as responsible for his daily life as you do.

7. Your success makes him happy

A man in love will be proud and happy with your success. Your happiness contributes to his happiness! He empathizes with you: are you suffering? He also suffers. You are happy? Is he happy.

He doesn’t have a superiority complex, on the contrary. If you’re better than him in your professional life, he’ll be very proud of it. He might even be proud of having a girlfriend at the top.