Today it has become rarer for men who send a message of love to their beloved woman from time to time, although it is a beautiful gesture that helps to strengthen the bonds of love and break a little routine of the couple. So for those who are for love messages here are some love messages to send to the woman in your life.

Examples of nice love messages for your darling.

♥  The first time I saw you, I wanted to take you in my arms, and even today you are for me the most beautiful woman in the world, I love you and I tell myself that even if the rain pours down on us, I will keep you safe in my arms.

♥  My love, as soon as I am with you, I continue to blossom, like a deserted land after the rain. With you, my hope only grows. And I hope to make your life easier, make you laugh and protect you, and love you for life.

♥  My love, I love you madly, my heart no longer makes a difference between dream and reality. My brain no longer thinks: it only thinks of you.

love message for sweetheart

♥  My love, each time my gaze meets yours, I see my pain lessen, I see my body warm up, I see my smile grow, I see my sorrows leave and hope return. So I’m sure you’re my one and only love.

♥  I love you, I love you and I love you. When I think of your eyes, beautiful, dotted with gold, like suns, my gaze wanders and I am no longer the same. I write this message with all my love, to testify to my love, forever.

♥  Princess, I think I will never be able to tell you how much I love you, you charmed me with your tenderness, your smile, and your joy of living. I am writing you this message of love to tell you once again I love you, my love.

♥  I aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime you,
Did I really have to shout it, didn’t you know all this love I have for you, all this attachment and affection? And it’s because it comes from the heart that I tell you: I love you forever, for life.