When He’s Just Not That Into You: 7 Signs a Guy Feels Rejected by Your Signals

  1. Pay attention to his body language: Often, a guy’s body language can reveal a lot about how he’s feeling. If he’s avoiding eye contact, crossing his arms, or leaning away from you, it could be a sign that he’s feeling rejected.
  2. Notice if he’s pulling away: If a guy starts to pull away from you, it could be a sign that he’s feeling rejected. He may stop initiating conversations or making plans, or he may seem less interested in spending time with you.
  3. Look for changes in communication: If a guy is feeling rejected, he may start to communicate with you less frequently or in a more distant way. He may take longer to respond to your messages or seem less engaged in conversations.
  4. Notice if he’s avoiding physical contact: If a guy is feeling rejected, he may start to avoid physical contact with you. He may stop hugging you or holding your hand, or he may seem uncomfortable when you touch him.
  5. Watch for changes in his behavior: If a guy is feeling rejected, he may start to behave differently around you. He may seem more irritable or moody, or he may withdraw from social situations where you’re both present.
  6. Pay attention to his tone of voice: If a guy is feeling rejected, he may sound more distant or disinterested when he speaks to you. He may also seem less enthusiastic about things you’re excited about or less supportive of your goals and aspirations.
  7. Notice if he’s avoiding making future plans: If a guy is feeling rejected, he may avoid making plans with you for the future. He may seem less interested in building a long-term relationship or may be hesitant to commit to anything beyond the present moment.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Ask him how he’s feeling and if there’s anything specific that’s bothering him. Listen attentively to what he has to say and be willing to work together to find a solution. Remember to express empathy and offer reassurance, and take things slow if you decide to pursue a relationship together.