6 sad signs that your close romantic relationship will never turn into a real relationship

When you find yourself stuck in a near relationship and you start to have feelings for your boyfriend, the only thing you want is to find a way to make it a real relationship.

So naturally you continue to look for clues and signs that tell you that your hopes and dreams are not in vain.

But unfortunately, often it is so. Here are 6 sad signs that your relationship will never turn into a real relationship, no matter how much you wish it to happen.

1. You only hang out when he wants

One of the signs that your near relationship is going nowhere is that you only continue to see your almost boyfriend when it suits him.

He calls you when he has time for you and you run to him every time.

But every time you offer him an activity or simply want to see him, he doesn’t accept your invitation.

When you think about it, you only see it once a week and you know it’s not enough for a real relationship.

2. He is not interested in your life

6 sad signs that your near love relationship will never turn into a real relationship

If your almost boyfriend shows no interest in you as a person or in your life, I hate to tell you, but it is likely that he sees you only as a s  x object and nothing more.

This guy never asks you how your day was or if you need help with your problems.

He is not interested in anything that you are going through and he knows nothing about you, he makes no effort to get to know you better and these are all clear signs that he does not intend to pass your relationship at a higher level.

3. Everything is more important than you

6 sad signs that your near love relationship will never turn into a real relationship

Another sign that your relationship will never become real is the fact that your almost boyfriend never gives you priority. Everything is more important to you than you are.

He never once canceled his project just to find you, even when you really needed his presence, when he expects you to do it for him.

It is more than obvious that this man places you at the bottom of his priority list and that he has no intention of changing it.

4. He never takes you on a date

6 sad signs that your near love relationship will never turn into a real relationship

Come to think of it, you and this guy never went out on a real date. He only calls you when he’s drunk at night or late at night.

In addition, you only see yourself at home or at home.

And whenever you suggest a fun activity that the two of you can participate in or invite him to go somewhere together, he’s always too busy or showing no interest in spending time with you.

This guy continues to act like he’s hiding from you because he never shows you affection in public, and it’s a clear sign of his intentions with you.

5. He is not interested in meeting your friends and family

6 sad signs that your near love relationship will never turn into a real relationship

So you’ve been with him for a long time, but he never met your friends or family and he never even tried to introduce you to his loved ones.

Whenever you try to present it to the people who matter to you, it has some kind of excuse.

Even when you meet someone they know, they still present you as a friend.

If this is the case with your relationship, then it is quite clear that it is unlikely to turn into a real relationship.

6. He refuses to label things

At the beginning, this guy probably told you that he didn’t believe in labeling things and that he didn’t want to get involved.

I’m sure he also told you how special you are and that he just needs time to understand certain things.

And you have given him more than enough time. But after all this time, he still hasn’t made up his mind.

He still doesn’t want to name you as his girlfriend and he doesn’t mean that what’s between you is a relationship, so it’s more than obvious that he never will.