7 Things Deeply Independent Women Expect From Men

Being with an independent woman, you may well know the most beautiful relationship of your life, provided that you know how to treat it properly.

But unfortunately, men seem to be intimidated by this kind of woman, so they keep driving them by boat until they simply decide to give up.

What you need to remember when you go out with an independent woman is that she doesn’t need you to be complete; it already is.

But she wants you to be her best friend, lover and companion for the rest of her life and no honor is the same – when a perfectly happy person being alone wants you to be part of her life.

So, in order for an independent woman to remain happy and to live this incredible relationship fully, discover the list of things that independent women expect from men.

And to find a way to conquer any of the women of this world, it’s here:

1. Respect

We need you to respect our time, our opinions, and our feelings.

If there is no respect in our relationship, it is clear that we will not linger. It’s simple.

We have a good opinion of ourselves and have gone through hell to outdo ourselves, although there is always room for improvement.

But if you neglect our opinions or our needs, by simply thinking that your point of view is the only one that is valid, you will find yourself without anything, except this point of view to warm you up at night.

2. Time

We need time. Despite the chemistry, the connection or the strong attraction that we will feel for you, we will not open easily.

We must be sure that you will be worthy of our time and of our love.

We have learned to live alone and opening up to someone is truly terrifying. So be patient and give us time to find out whether or not it’s serious.

3. Compassion

Even though we may seem cold and distant, it is not.

It is not without reason that we muzzle our feelings and have erected great walls.

So, for us to open up, you will have to show us that you care about us.

Words have no meaning if they are not relayed by actions so show compassion and love.

And believe me, there is nothing attractive than raw and authentic feelings, love.

4. Freedom

It is not just something we expect, it is something we really need.

We need a little time alone and that doesn’t mean that we don’t like you or that we are bored with you.

It just means that we need it to find ourselves, stop, and then get back on track.

Once you understand that this solo time is not a sign that we are cheating on you or moving away, we will love you even more.

5. Honesty and authenticity

No games, no psychological manipulation. If we wanted to play, we would go out and have an evening adventure or have fun with the first comer.

But, if you are really interested in us, you have to be authentic and honest.

We need to know that this is not one more challenge for you: conquering an independent woman and finally ignoring her in order to leave her.

We need to know that you are really serious.

6. Love

You can always hurt us no matter how strong and independent we are.

We are hurt every time you think we put our careers ahead of you.

We are hurt every time you doubt our love, because we are different from your previous girlfriends.

And you should know that when we love, we love unconditionally.

When we decide to open up to someone, we open ourselves up completely.

There is no half love with us and we expect nothing less than what we are ready to give.

So please love us and take care of our heart because it is much more tender than it seems.

7. An independent man

We need someone who understands us.

Someone who understands that we don’t need 24-hour messages or spend every spare moment with you.

Someone who understands that the fact that we are working in our career does not mean that we will not be working on our relationship.

Someone who will have the same intensity as ours. Someone who will know how to take care of him and who will not expect us to fulfill the role of his mother.

We need a partner, an equal.

A man who will know that just because we are two individuals does not mean that we are not one.