Wait for the one who will make love easy

”  The misfortune of man is to want to complicate love, a simple feeling of mutual joy  ” Jean de Limi

Stay single until you meet the person who will make you laugh until you cry.

The one who will heal all the pains that have been caused to you in the past.

And who will make you forget them.

The one who will show you that love is not confusion or pain.

Stay single until you meet this person and confidently know that there is something.

And it won’t just be about trusting yourself but trusting in the relationship.

The one who will teach you to trust someone other than yourself.

The person who will call you when they say they will.

The one who will return the messages that will never make you doubt.

Stay single until you meet the person who shows up.

The one who will respect you and treat you better than anyone before.

The one who will build you and believe in you even if he is the only one.

The one that will make you sleep a little better at night because it will be next to you.

The one you will miss before you even say goodbye.

Stay single until you meet the person who will say exactly how they feel about you and who isn’t afraid to say it.

The one who will not only introduce you to their family but make you feel like you are part of them.

Stay single until you meet the person who will look at you across the room and who you can have a silent dialogue with together.

The person who will know how to make you feel better on a bad day.

The one whose presence will make you feel a little more complete.

The one that will redefine how you thought about love in the past.

Stay single until you meet the person who will assure you that they want you in their future.

The one you’ll look in the eye, and you’ll see the next 50 years.

The one who will say ”  I love you  ” and you will feel it with your whole being.

The one you can have an argument with sometimes, but you two will never stop fighting for each other.

Stay single until you meet someone who will make you better.

The one that will make you happier than you could have imagined.

The one you’ll think of when these songs appear. And you will turn up the sound a little louder.

Stay single until you meet someone who will be your best friend.

Your better half.

Your soul mate.

The person without whom you cannot live without knowing her.

Until then, stay single.