Women are attracted to different types of men. Some prefer men with love handles, while others prefer muscular men who pay attention to their appearance. But they all seek one quality in common: loyalty.
Here are 7 ways to know you have a loyal and dedicated man by your side:
1. He takes the time to call or write to you, even when he is very busy.
He puts you first, even when he has a lot of work or other obligations. He takes advantage of his lunch break to call you and ask you for news. Not only do you mean a lot to him, hearing your voice helps him have a better day.
2. He sees you as your equal.
Forget about traditional gender roles and stereotypes, your man will happily cook dinner for you, and then do the dishes.
He can even bring you a glass of wine, put on your favorite movie, and watch it with you – and when he says he likes it, he actually means it.
3. He wants to be emotionally intimate, not just physically.
When we are young, we are told that men only want one thing, and that is intimate relationships.
Some men are like that, they are not interested in dinner and just wait until we go to bed.
But your partner is different. He wants to know what you’ve been doing with your day, what makes you laugh and cry, and what you’ve been through as a child. He is totally involved and likes to deepen the relationship.
4. He is interested in you on all levels.
He listens as much as he talks and is genuinely interested in what you have to say. He wants to know who you are as a person and how you got to this point in your life.
5. He has no secrets for you.
He wants you to know him as deeply as he wants to know you, so he won’t hide anything from you.
He has no problem with you hearing his phone calls. He has nothing to hide and he wants you to know it.
6. He proves to you that you are the only one in his eyes.
Your man notices if another woman is attractive, and he may even tell you. But he looks at you differently. The way he looks at you makes you feel like the only woman in the room, and to him that’s who you are.
7. He told his friends about you.
He cares about you so much that you are often a topic of his conversation with his friends. He presents you as his girlfriend, not just his friend, he is proud to be with you and wants to show it.