What are the signs of a shy girl in love?

Usually, shy girls have a reputation for being withdrawn and unresponsive to advances from men. It is rather difficult to know the feelings that drive them. You are dating a shy girl who gives you a hard time. You wonder if she really loves you or is playing with you. Find the answers to your questions in this article.

How to recognize a shy girl?

Shyness is the attitude of a person who finds it difficult to get to know others. In public, shy people find it difficult to speak. A shy girl is generally calm, not very surrounded, or when she is with her friends, she speaks little. She approaches sensitive subjects such as adult subjects with reserve. Most of the time she avoids being noticed. She monitors herself and watches her environment. As soon as she feels the eyes on her, or when you get closer to her, she walks away, advancing reasons for moving away from her interlocutor.

Shy girls are also characterized by discretion. It is a great quality that we recognize in them and in which they also attach great interest. They show great self-confidence. They don’t rush and take the time to think things through before making a decision.

How to approach a shy girl?

Approaching a shy girl requires a lot of qualities. You are probably wondering why so many formalities before going out with such a girl? These are some qualities you need to demonstrate.


If you are a common man, you will have less chances with shy girls. A shy girl will not risk her reputation by dating a man like this. Don’t change to become shy. But you must keep secret the advances you make to her, the actions you take with her. She wouldn’t be happy if her name was on everyone’s lips or identified with you, at least not when you first started out.

Patience and perseverance

As with most girls, you have to be patient. A shy girl will take a lot longer to give in to your advances than another girl. She will give less or very little interest in your advances. Prepare to be more enterprising.

Once you know how to promote these qualities, you can take action towards her. Be very natural with shy girls. A girl can be shy, but she analyzes a lot more than another girl. She will be receptive to whatever you do without actually sending you back or being blown away by your actions. Do not give up in the face of his silence.

How to recognize that a shy girl is in love?

A shy girl talks very little. Don’t expect a frank and straightforward answer from her. It won’t manifest the way you want it to. This is something that a lot of men don’t pay attention to. To recognize that a shy girl is in love with you, you need to pay attention to these details:


When a shy girl starts to fall in love with you, her first intention is to hide it from you and let you notice it for yourself. It’s quite surprising, but it is in practice at the beginning. She may ask you a favor, and in the next moment tell you to give up. She doesn’t want you to believe there is already a connection. But deep down, it’s a way for her to hide her feelings to be sure.

The expression on her face

If she was indifferent to your compliments before, she will now blush in front of you. Her gaze will be more expressive and will show a lot of confidence, sometimes she can offer you her smile.

Your relationships

Now is the time for her to take an interest in your friends, not you. She will ask questions about your dating, relationships you have had in the past regarding certain topics.

In conclusion

These three points are elements of appreciation of the reactions that a shy girl could have. However, depending on the girl you are dealing with, these elements may or may not be of use to you too much. The girls have varied characters. You have to be focused on your game, your initiatives towards it. Do not expect a return before continuing to write to him, drag him into your project. At times you have to dare to jostle her to analyze her reaction. For example, take her hand while walking, stroke her arm, and observe her. These actions will allow you to know his feelings towards you.