7 things women should do on their first date

I invite you to know the best psychological techniques to devise successful dates. You will see how easy it is to capture their attention and make everything flow great.

The meeting is approaching and, in addition to a good look , you need to arm yourself with some tools -or tips- that will help you to highlight the best of you, leaving aside those attitudes that can endanger that long-awaited appointment.

So, so that you do not get caught off guard, I offer you a selection of techniques that will help you fulfill your 50% participation in the evening, making your presence much more pleasant and interesting.

Forget about difficult times, since what happened in the past is left. The present is what matters, since our actions can lead to future successes or failures. So assume your best attitude towards the “new candidate” and enjoy an extraordinary evening.

Does commitment get harder and harder? Have you considered that there are obstacles in your mind that prevent you from moving forward?

Take note of the golden tips for successful dates with men and you will see how good you are at making relationships, avoiding those little mistakes that destroy the opportunities to generate chemistry.

1-. Avoid suggesting going to the movies

This is not the most recommended place to have your first meeting – or the official one – with that person you obviously want to meet.

The idea of ​​making an appointment is to talk about you, tell something interesting, among other things that serve to enjoy a long gathering, not be silent in a room where you only have to focus on the movie.

We therefore suggest that you propose a place that provides a favorable environment to spend a pleasant time without involving high costs.

There are as many places as your imagination allows, the best are outdoors and do not require the help of a credit card to have a good time.


two-. Proposing a coffee is the best way to start a relationship

It is the perfect proposal that serves as an excuse to shorten or lengthen the time. In any place, having a coffee can be brief, where less than 60 minutes may be enough to end the meeting, but if all goes well, it could be provided for a snack, even dinner.

Worry only about enjoying the moment, these types of places usually generate a good mood in people, their environments are ingeniously designed to induce happiness and well-being, so it will not be difficult to feel comfortable and willing to laugh a little more than necessary.


3-. If you are going to eat enjoy it, without complexes

Something that men usually detect is our negative attitude towards food – and they do not like it – so instead take a good position and enjoy without regrets, you will have time to burn those extra calories.

The only justifiable way to refuse food is because it has taken you to an unpleasant and unreliable establishment, so it would be good if you explain the reasons, but in a delicate way, or suggest another alternative to “run away” from the restaurant.


4-. Keep the phone silent and put away

There is nothing that irritates a man -or anyone- more than a person who shares more with his Smartphone than with the company of one.

In general, this type of behavior would make you look like an egocentric and immature person who cares more about comments on social networks than about being a woman capable of having conversations – much less serious relationships.

To avoid setbacks with your mobile, I recommend that before the meeting you make sure that no one is going to interrupt you.

And, immediately afterwards, leave the phone in “silence” to check only if you receive text messages from time to time, preferably, without your interlocutor noticing, they might think that you are anxious about something.


5-. Look for interesting conversation topics

Be motivated to follow what he says, tell him an anecdote and be respectful when you have to give a contrary opinion, this will give your companion confidence in a positive way, so the evening will be more pleasant for both of you.

Add some curious information to your speeches, with the intention of keeping the evening lively.


6-. Be careful with the things you say

Euphemism is the most appreciated tool for your first dates , try to be assertive in communication. If you know how to say things, you will never have problems.

Throughout the gathering, certain topics that you may not approve of will be touched on, so it is convenient to be tolerant and let the other express his ideas, he will also have reasons to do the same.


7-. Avoid the lies

Reciprocity becomes less complicated when you have nothing to hide, so try to be transparent from the beginning.

Probably the appointment will give for many other occasions where you may begin to enjoy a stable relationship and it is affected by this type of incident, creating distrust of you.

This type of situation happens very frequently in people who do not want to reveal their entire identity, for fear of being judged regarding their economic status, religious preference and even political tendencies (linked to their employment and personal life).

Just avoid it, if you are afraid that he loves you just the way you are, then is it really worth it? Of course not.