How to know what different kinds of love exist? Discover it here

Love is one, there are different ways of feeling it depending on the person, other times it is often confused with attachment or worse still with an anxiety disorder that we prefer to call love.

That is why knowing how to define it or at least identify when it comes to it, is of the utmost importance to get rid of misunderstandings.

What is love?

Loving is one of the concepts that is most difficult to define, depending on who you ask will have a different definition and many times the definition is done through an example.

Technically we can say that love is to feel a high vibration emotion that connects you with the energy of the universe and through which the vision towards the outside is translated with empathy and compassion, freeing the body and mind of dense emotions such as pain. and fear.

What is love?

Even today, not even psychologists have been able to give an exact meaning to what love is. However, according to millions of experiences of millions of people, love is defined as that incredible force that motivates us to do hundreds of things that we would not be able to do otherwise. 

Is love something palpable? Another question that has a lot of excitement, since there are many people who affirm that when there is true love, it can be felt in every part of the body. It is something that goes beyond chemistry, which manages to connect both the bodies, the mind and the soul.

Concluding a why when it comes to love, it is simply impossible. Because it is so confusing and complicated that it can make us lose our minds on many occasions. Dying, laughing, crying, dancing … Many other emotions arise from love, all tied to a single thought. A person, an animal, an object, a place, a moment …

Even so, scientists in their multiple attempts to give a fixed concept to love, have explained that it works like a drug that completely changes the functioning of the brain. Producing a series of reactions that feed on expectations, illusions, gestures and much more that encompass the entire infatuation. In addition, they have also discovered very strange findings regarding love that tell us that:

  • Romantic movies work as excellent therapy for couples.
  • Small details are vital to maintaining a relationship. 
  • The time when divorces happen the most is at Christmas.
  • Social media is the cause of most divorces.
  • Long-distance relationships do work. 
  • Love makes you fat.

So what symptoms of true love have you experienced? If you stop to think, you may realize that sometime in your life you found yourself doing something that you never thought you would do, just because you had in mind that person you loved so much.

Types of love

The American psychologist Robert Sternberg created a triangular theory in which he characterizes love in 3 ways which form a whole when they interact with each other.

The types of love that make up this pyramid are:

  • Romantic Love: Romantic love is composed of intimacy and passion, it is formed or arises with physical attraction and as it grows an emotional bond is created that complements it. The important thing about this type of love is that it generates intense emotions mainly due to the fact that there is no lasting commitment in it, on the other hand it is one of those that generates great pain when it ends.
  • Companion love: This love one has a mix of intimacy and commitment. It is the characteristic love of couples who care about having a team and good intimacy. It can generate confusion due to the fact that at some point it is confused with pity.
  • Fatuous Love : Fatuous love is characterized by mixing commitment and passion. Intimacy does not appear fully and people try to maintain the image of perfection for as long as possible. Although it is a love that can fill at first, it can change when intimacy becomes manifest.

These three points are important because according to Robert Sternberg the combination of the three in fluctuating measures forms what true love is.

What are the only 3 types of loves in life?

There is a theory that talks about three types of loves that everyone will experience in their life, many have identified with this type of love and it is said that the last one is true love.

  • Idealized love : This love is that of fairy tales. Normally it occurs in youth or adolescence, it makes us imagine the perfect love and leads us to idealize the couple and the relationship as the one that will last for the rest of our lives. When it is over it is painful, however the duel passes quite quickly and there is a nice memory of the experience.
  • Love from the wound: This love happens in adulthood and is caused by the wound of abandonment that makes us desperately search for a partner to fill the void we feel. This type of love tends to be quite painful because it brings to light all the wounds that we carry and we had not realized. It leads us to find ourselves and to be intelligent allows us to heal and then achieve peace and tranquility.
  • Unexpected Love: This is the last love that, as the name implies, is unexpected. When we are immersed in our problems and in our growth and wanting to find ourselves, love sometimes costs to appear.

Until suddenly someone comes along whom we do not notice at first, but as time goes by, it becomes an important part of our life and then, in the blink of an eye, we have fallen in love and everything starts to turn out well. With this love, many times a stable relationship is established that can be the one that will accompany us for the rest of life.

Types of love for children

In children, the type of love that is usually experienced is different from that of adults, they experience love even before their birth and can create emotional ties with almost anyone who approaches them by giving them attention.

The types of love in children are the following:

  • Self Love: This love does not have a way of creating itself, it simply exists. Children accept themselves as they are and that makes them love themselves and be able to relate to other people from that same love. When they feel some discomfort they can quickly put it aside because their happiness is above any discomfort and this is clear to them thanks to love, they also have the ability to trust themselves and celebrate their abilities.
  • Family Love: This love arises from the contact between family and friends. The child learns to feel affection for each family member that he identifies and recognizes that they are part of his life and his environment. With them you can feel confident and in turn experience self-love for the fact of feeling free.
  • Platonic love : Platonic love arises at school age when children meet more people and recognize that they are not family, however frequent contact with them causes them to develop an affection that invites them to respect and even protect them.
  • Romantic love : Romantic love arises in children without the passionate essence, they can feel an attraction different from everything they have felt before for other people and can even idealize the new person. Ester amor allows physical contact, quality time and words of love and in the face of this the best thing is to guide the children so that they act in the correct way without having to block the emotion they are feeling.
  • Selfless love: Children at first love without limitations, they admire humanity as being, naturalize it, animals and can only limit that love when what is close to them does not vibrate in the same tune, since they can feel it. Selfless love leads them to collaborate, help, and empathize with the rest of the world and society.