The One Tiny Thing That Is Harming Your Marriage – And Your Heart

Nobody Wants Heart Disease Or An Unhappy Marriage

Research has found that out of all the potential problems in a marriage, it’s a lack of partner support that affects the heart, causing heart disease and other health problems.

If you take a look at your marriage – a real, cold, hard look – can you pinpoint exactly where the problem might be?

No one has a perfect relationship, and every marriage has its flaws, but if you were forced to find out what could be causing the most physical harm to you and your partner, could you?

While unsupportive partners definitely make for a disappointing relationship, their effect on the nerves is nothing compared to the impact it has on the arteries, causing an increased risk of heart disease.

A group of researchers at the University of Utah found that those who regarded their partner as completely unsupportive or ambivalent towards them were more likely to have “heavily calcified arteries”.

Don’t know what a calcified artery is?

Let’s just say it’s as gross and corroded as you can imagine, and you really don’t want to Google if you’re eating it now or if you’re going to eat it soon.

It’s very disgusting.

It’s no surprise that our personal relationships can harm our physical health, but having scientific proof that the saying “You’re going to give me a heart attack” is actually legitimate.

This saying should make us all reconsider how we deal with people, our husbands, and wives, especially in our lives.

Marriage Is The Final Commitment

As a final commitment, support should be one of the most important aspects of a partnership.

Not supporting your husband or wife to the fullest is not just a lack of respect for them as a person, but as we can see now, a lack of respect for their health.

Being truly supportive is not a difficult task.

If you take a few minutes out of your day every day to show your partner that you’re protecting them, you can save them from heart disease later in life.

Here are some suggestions.

1. Ask About Their Day

Even if you think your partner’s job is boring, ask him about his day.

Not only are you showing support for what they do for a living and how they bring home the bacon, but the interest in itself shows that you care.

2. Take Their Side

As Abraham Lincoln said: “A friend is one who has the same enemies as you”, and it is true.

Nothing says unconditional support more than always taking your partner’s side, no matter how petty you may think the issue at hand may be.

3. Praise Him

No, this doesn’t mean you should drown your partner in physical praise all the time – although that’s fun too – but rather point out when they’ve done well.

Did he get a promotion?

Congratulate him and tell him how much he deserves.

Just made an epic 4-tier cake for you?

Tell him how amazing his cooking skills are and how lucky you are to have him in your life.

Giving positive feedback can easily be done every day.

Wouldn’t you rather go the extra mile to show your support than be the reason your partner died of a heart attack at 65?

Yes, it’s a morbid thought, but it’s also a serious concern and something that shouldn’t be dismissed.

You signed up for the long term when you got married, so do your best to make it work.