170 Things to Say After a Breakup

A breakup is an extremely difficult thing to go through, no matter how old you are or how long you’ve been in the relationship.

Things can end after a few dates, after a few years of dating, during an engagement, or sometimes even after several years of marriage.

Sometimes you feel that the end is near, and other times you have no idea that it was about to happen.

For most of us, breaking up is a devastating experience.

It’s no wonder there are so many love songs about breaking up, whether it’s heartbreak, betrayal, or difficulty moving on.

Maybe it was you who was evicted.

Life without a partner can seem unimaginable and you may not know how to move on.

Maybe you want to tell your ex that you’re not doing well after the breakup and that you’re not over it.

Maybe you have some unresolved feelings and things you still need to say.

Or maybe you’ve decided to end things with the other person.

After a breakup, things either end well or end badly.

A separation can be mutual or unilateral.

Maybe you want to check in on your ex to make sure he’s okay.

Or would you like to apologize for how things ended?

It is possible that you want him to stay away and you prefer that he not contact you.

You may even be someone very close to a person who is going through a breakup.

Maybe you are this person’s best friend and would like to know how to help them get over it.

In this article, you can find phrases for all situations related to what to say after a breakup.

If you’ve been through a breakup or know someone who is going through a major breakup, these quotes can help you heal and move on to better things.

Use these phrases to help you heal or process your feelings.

If you know someone who is going through a difficult breakup, you can even use some of these phrases as advice.

1. I’m sorry about how things turned out.

2. I hope you’re feeling a little better today.

I’m sorry about how things went yesterday and I’m here if you want to talk.

3. I hope you can move on and find someone who is worthy of someone who is as good as you are.

4. We both deserve to be happy.

I’m sorry we couldn’t find that happiness with each other.

5. I’m glad we talked and that we’re on the same page.

I hope you are well.

6. I’m sorry for what I said.

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

7. I’m sorry I said things when we were breaking up.

8. We probably said a lot of things we didn’t really mean when we were done.

For my part, I’m sorry for being so hard on you.

9. You didn’t deserve the things I did when we were together.

10. I am trying to learn from my mistakes.

And treating him badly and letting him go is one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made.

11. I’m sorry for doing things the wrong way.

12. Can you forgive me for what I did to you in our relationship?

13. I would be happier if we could be together, but I know I have to accept this separation and move on.

14. Thank you for being honest about how you feel.

15. Glad we talked yesterday.

Thanks for being honest with me.

I hope we can still be friends.

16. This separation is very difficult for me and I don’t think I can be friends with you.

For me to really move on, I need you not to be in my life.

17. I understand if you need some space and time to heal, but I’m here if you want to talk about it.

18. I can’t believe I gave you my heart.

19. I feel so stupid for trusting you.

20. I feel foolish for believing that you would never break my heart.

21. It was foolish of me to think that we would be together forever.

22. I should have known that nothing lasts forever.

23. I should have known that our relationship was too good to be true.

24. I wish I knew you were unhappy in the relationship.

Maybe I could have done something to save him.

Or maybe we could finish things early to save ourselves time.

25. Was something you told me true?

Did you really love me?

26. Since we’re not a couple anymore, I’m happy to say that I only pretended to laugh at your jokes.

27. To be honest, I don’t think you deserve to be happy.

Not after how you treated me.

28. I still find myself thinking about you and wondering how you are doing.

29. Letting you go was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

30. I hope you’ll understand one day all the bad things you’ve done in our relationship.

31. I deserve better. And you didn’t deserve me.

32. I just want you to be happy.

33. I still miss you and think about you.

34. I still love you.

35. I miss what we had together.

36. Is there anything I can do to win you back?

37. I think I might still be in love with you.

38. As hard as I try, I can’t forget you.

39. What did I do wrong in the relationship?

40. I wish I could go back and fix everything.

41. I regret some of the things I did when we were together.

42. I definitely took you and our relationship for granted, and I’m sorry about that.

43. Although things didn’t end well with us, I hope you still don’t hate me a few years from now.

44. I couldn’t take it if you hated me.

Even though we’re not together anymore, I still care about you.

45. Even though we didn’t work out, you taught me what love was.

And for that, I am grateful.

46. ​​I still miss you, but I doubt you’ll miss me too.

47. Do you not even think about me anymore or am I just a distant memory in your head?

48. I want you to know that I’ve moved on.

It took a long time, but I’m in a much better place now.

49. I need you to know that there is no chance of us getting back together.

50. I want to thank you for breaking up with me.

It really opened my eyes to how bad our relationship was.

51. Thank you for finishing things.

I feel like I really dodged a bullet with you.

52. Good luck to whoever breaks up with you next, because they’re going to need it.

53. This relationship really hurt me and you really hurt me.

It’s going to take a long time for me to be able to trust anyone again.

54. I seriously thought that you and I were so happy together and in love, but you fooled me.

Now I feel like I’ve been left alone to pick up all the pieces of my broken heart.

55. I don’t hate you for how things ended up between us, but I don’t want to be your friend either.

56. I can’t just be your friend, not after all we’ve been through together.

I think it’s better for both of us if we go our separate ways.

57. If you don’t mind, I’d like to have all my stuff back.

58. I never meant to hurt you.

59. Hurting you is the last thing I wanted to happen.

60. I’m sorry about the way things turned out.

61. I wish you only the best.

62. I’m sorry we weren’t able to make it work.

63. Thank you for accepting this so well.

64. How are you feeling?

65. I’m sorry for doing things the wrong way.

66. I’m sorry for the way I handled things.

67. I’m sorry I can’t make you happy.

68. I’m sorry I let you down.

69. I always care about you, even if we’re not together anymore.

70. I moved on.

71. I’m completely over you.

72. I hope there are no hard feelings.

73. I’m still hopelessly in love with you.

74. My head is telling me to forget about you, but my heart refuses to let go.

75. I hope you can move forward with this separation.

76. I understand and wish you the best.

Thanks for being honest with me.

77. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.

78. I respect your feelings and your decision to end the relationship.

79. It will take some time, but I think I’ll be fine.

80. Thank you for the good times we had.

I will think about those memories fondly.

81. Even though this is goodbye, I’m glad you’ve been an important part of my life.

82. I’m sad about this, but at the end of the day, I know I have to respect your decision.

83. The honest truth is, I’m sad now that you’re ending things, but I know I’ll be okay.

84. I will miss you so much.

85. I would be lying if I said I was fine with breaking up.

But it takes two people to maintain a relationship.

And if your heart isn’t in it anymore, then a breakup is for the best.

I only wish the best for you.

86. I’m really hurt by this breakup.

I’m not saying this because I want to make you feel bad.

I’m just being honest about how I feel.

87. I’m going to need time to think about this.

Can we talk in a few days?

88. I will miss what we had.

You are a very special person.

89. Whoever breaks up with you is very lucky.

90. Perhaps this breakup is a blessing in disguise.

91. What has changed between us?

92. Where did things go wrong?

93. It hurts to know that you don’t see me in your future.

94. I still care about you.

I always go.

95. I feel like my heart has been ripped out and trampled and broken into a million little pieces.

I don’t even know how to start healing from this.

Things to Say to Yourself:

96. I’ll be fine.

97. I deserve to be happy.

98. It just wasn’t meant to be.

99. I love myself.

100. I want to be happy.

101. I’m better off without him/her.

102. I can find someone better.

103. There is someone better for me out there.

104. It was he/she who lost.

105. I have to learn to be single for a while.

106. I have to learn to love myself first.

The rest will follow.


107. You deserve better.

108. There are other fish in the sea.

109. I’m here if you need to talk about it.

110. Time heals all wounds.

111. You did the best you could.

112. You gave your whole relationship away.

113. Believe me when I say there’s someone better out there waiting for you.

114. Everything happens for a reason, even the bad things, like breaking your heart.

115. It’s his loss because you’re an amazing person.

116. You will be fine.

I just know it.

117. Try to take things one day at a time.

118. It won’t be easy, but you’ll get through it.

And I will be here to help you.

119. Don’t let this discourage you from trying to find love in your life.

This was not the right time or the right person for you.

120. Try to be a mature person in this separation.

It can be tempting to be mean and vindictive, but what good will that do anyone?

Hit the road and move on with your life.

121. I don’t have advice for you, but I’m here if you need me.

122. Time heals everything.

Eventually, your wounds will disappear and you can move on.

123. Just take this separation as a lesson learned.

124. Do you want to have a drink and relax?

You can vent to me about your breakup and how you’re feeling.

125. Don’t lose yourself because of this separation.

You did the best you could.

There was nothing else you could have done to make things work.

126. Sometimes a breakup isn’t anyone’s fault.

There doesn’t always have to be someone to blame for why a relationship had to end.

127. You did the best you could.

This breakup seemed inevitable.

128. You can’t say you haven’t given your all to the relationship.

Sometimes you can do everything you can to try to make a relationship work and it still ends up breaking up.

129. You can try to be the perfect partner in a relationship, but it doesn’t matter if the other person doesn’t meet you halfway.

Allow yourself to move on and find someone better who really deserves it.

130. Let it all out.

Breakups are difficult.

It’s hard to lose the person who mattered so much to you.

131. You may feel sad right now.

You are going through a difficult breakup.

132. Life isn’t always fair, but you shouldn’t give up on relationships just because you just broke up with someone who wasn’t right for you.

Happiness is out there for you.

133. You are worthy and you deserve someone who can love and appreciate the real you.

134. It’s okay to be alone for a while while you heal and figure things out.

135. You’ve just finished.

This is the hard part.

I know you feel broken right now.

But believe me, it will slowly get easier for you, and one day you will find that you have moved on.

136. The right person will appear for you.

137. Things will be bad, but they won’t be eternal.

138. This breakup is still a new wound for you, but remember that time heals all wounds.

139. It may not seem like it now, but your heartbreak will end one day.

140. Your Prince Charming is still out there, waiting to meet you.

141. This breakup is a learning experience for you that will make you a stronger person.

Maybe you can grow from it.

142. Take the time to get over it.

143. Don’t lose hope in love just because that relationship didn’t work out.

144. Don’t worry about how bad things are right now.

The best things are yet to come.

145. Try not to rush into the next relationship.

Sometimes we need to be alone for a while after a big breakup.

146. Perhaps you can use this breakup as an opportunity to make some positive changes in your life.

147. Perhaps a change of scenery can help you move forward through this separation.

148. You broke up for a reason.

149. Don’t let this experience make you bitter and cynical.

150. You can work it out.

151. Maybe that person didn’t give you the love you deserved, but someone out there does.

152. You are strong, and this separation will make you even stronger.

153. You are beautiful.

154. You can get over this breakup.

I have absolute faith in you.

155. You were too good for this person.

156. I always thought you could do much better.

157. I think you deserve someone who treats you better anyway.

158. Today may be terrible, but tomorrow will be better.

159. You’re an amazing person, and you’ll find the right person one day.

160. This breakup is a blessing in disguise.

You ended up dodging a bullet.

161. You will never be the same after this breakup, but you will be okay.

162. You will be a much stronger and better person than you were before.

163. I can only imagine what you must be going through right now.

164. All you can really take away from that broken relationship is that you learned a lesson from it.

165. Cry if you have to.

You’ve been through a lot.

166. Sometimes the best way for you to be happy is to let go of the things you tried to hold onto that were really hurting you.

167. You’ll be fine, but not tonight.

But you have people who care about you and want to see you through it.

168. You can’t see it yet, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

At the moment, you may feel like you are lost in the dark, but when you finally see that light at the end, you will forget your heartbreak.

169. Even if you feel your heart aching now, it will slowly begin to heal.

It will take some time, but one day you will realize that your heart doesn’t hurt anymore.

170. You won’t always be half everyone’s orange.

And not everyone is going to love you the way you deserve to be loved.

Just find a person who is out there waiting for you.

171. Just because that person wasn’t right for you doesn’t mean there isn’t someone for you who is much better.

Realize that you can and you will find someone even better.

172. You might be really sad about this separation right now, but you’d be surprised at what’s in store for you.

Trust that the universe has something even better planned, someone who is truly your perfect match.