How to Make Your Ex Want You Back in Less Than a Month

If you’re reading this, you must have recently had a breakup that you wish didn’t happen.

It can be very difficult to deal with a breakup, especially when you feel like you weren’t ready to end things.

Don’t worry, here we have listed several steps on how to make your ex want you back quickly.

There are many reasons why a relationship can end and you may know exactly what went wrong or maybe you are still looking for answers to make sense of things.

You are probably going through a wide range of emotions.

From sadness and loneliness to confusion and despair, breakups are really hard.

But what should you do if you want your ex-husband or ex-boyfriend?

In that case, following your first instincts can be risky.

After the breakup, remember that you don’t want to do anything rash, even if your emotions are very strong at the moment.

You need to take a step back to assess the situation you are currently in.

If there is any hope that the relationship can be revived, there are a few things you can try.

Whether you’ve just broken up with your ex or broken up for a while, below are some tips on how to win over your ex and make him want you back.

Get Some Space

The first thing you’ll want to do after the breakup is getting some space, no matter how much you want to be closer to it.

This may seem counterintuitive to you, but ultimately this advice makes a lot of sense.

After the breakup, you may feel angry, sad, devastated, confused, lost, or a mixture of many feelings at once.

This is yet another reason to gain space and spend time away from your ex.

At the same time, don’t take this as a suggestion to be mean to your ex, no matter how bad you feel.

You can still be polite to your ex if you run into this person, but also remember that you are no longer together.

Taking time off from your ex is crucial as you will have a clear head.

You’ll be able to step back and see where the relationship went wrong and you’ll also have some much-needed time just for yourself.

In addition to being able to clear your head and taking the time to figure out what went wrong, having a space away from your ex has other benefits.

You are single again.

Being single again and having time for yourself means you can become a priority again.

You can find out what your interests are and pursue those interests.

You can also treat yourself and relax on your own, without having to worry about pleasing others.

While you may have the urge to let your ex know you’re still interested in getting back together, this is almost never a good idea and you run the risk of sounding too obsessive and needy.

This is another big reason why it’s important to get some space from your ex.

You don’t want to be too aggressive at this emotional time.

Allow yourself and your ex the time you need to help both of you move on.

You might be confused about the idea of ​​moving on, especially if you’re still interested in getting back together with your ex.

It’s often very difficult to have a healthy relationship again with your ex if you haven’t taken a step back to figure out what went wrong.

If you continue things as they are, the relationship could still have a lot of issues that will inevitably need to be resolved in order for the relationship to be successful.

So even if you want to get back together with your ex, you want to move on instead of being stuck in the same place.

Getting some alone time and space means really leaving your ex alone for a while.

In many breakups that are not mutually agreed upon, one person bombards the other person with calls, texts, and desperate requests for another chance.

When you’re just finished, it’s easy to understand why this can be seen as an obsession with love and devotion.

At the same time, breakups happen for a reason, and being desperate and needy won’t help the situation in most cases.

If you are constantly harassing your ex after a breakup, there is a chance that your ex will feel insecure, and then he may not want to see you again.

That’s why it’s important to stay calm, even though breakups can be very difficult.

You’ll want to show your ex that you’re capable of respecting their feelings, boundaries, and desires at the moment.

At the same time, that doesn’t mean you need to give up hopes of rekindling the relationship.

But it’s important to acknowledge and show respect for what your ex is going through.

After all, the split happened for a reason.

Be Happy Alone

Think about this question and answer honestly.

Can you be happy alone or do you feel that your happiness tends to depend on other people?

Of course, you love your ex and you miss him.

But sometimes relationships can fall apart when we depend too much on our partners.

If you are not satisfied with yourself, your own problems can affect your partner and this can pose a threat to your relationship.

That’s why it’s good to have some alone time.

Before you even think about talking to your ex again, you should make sure that you can be happy on your own.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that someone else can cure your unhappiness and solve all your problems.

Only you can do this.

There are people who cannot be single or alone.

It’s healthier to find ways to enjoy being alone as it gives you time to take care of yourself.

If you convince yourself that you can only be happy with your ex, you are putting too much pressure on that person, which is unfair and unrealistic.

When you enjoy spending time alone and can go days without always having someone by your side, then you may be ready to take steps to talk to your ex again.

Ask Why Things Ended

Why did things end?

At the end of a relationship, some people know exactly what the problem was.

Others don’t know and end up having to find out for themselves.

Before you immediately ask your ex what went wrong, take the time to reflect on the relationship you had.

There are many reasons why a relationship ends.

Two big reasons can be a lack of proper communication and lack of respect.

On the other hand, sometimes there are reasons that cannot be corrected, such as not returning the same feelings for the other person or wanting a different person.

While you and your ex can work on your actions and how you communicate and treat each other, you should also know that you can’t force people to be completely different, especially if that’s not who they really are.

Since you shouldn’t contact your ex first, try to reflect on any clues you have about why the relationship didn’t work out.

Has your ex expressed being unhappy?

Have you argued and disagreed a lot?

Maybe you haven’t prioritized yourself enough or maybe you’re too dependent on him.

These are just a few reasons why a relationship can end.

Take the time to find out and see if you are willing to work through your issues if you and your ex get back together.

Have A Plan

Getting back into a relationship can pose a lot of questions.

What is the proper way to act?

When returning to a relationship that ended earlier, it’s important to set some goals and boundaries.

Try asking yourself some of these questions if you can.

What do you want to avoid getting back together with your ex?

What might be some healthy boundaries for the two of you to impose so you can have a much healthier and happier relationship the second time around?

Be determined to move forward together and work as a team to plan your new future together.

Remember that it’s good to take it slow when you get back into a relationship.

It is generally a good rule of thumb to avoid rushing into physical intimacy.

Before doing this, you may want to find out his feelings first and also want to talk to your ex to make sure you are on the same page.

If you rush into physical intimacy, for all you know, your ex might mistake it for an affair.

That’s why it’s good to be cautious and communicate effectively before turning things around.

Also, if you go back into the relationship slowly, you’ll know that you’re both going into this with a clear mind, and you’ll be more certain about the relationship.

Don’t Make The Same Mistakes

Even if you manage to get back together with your ex, it will all be fruitless if you keep making the same mistakes that were made earlier in the relationship.

That’s why it helps a lot to know what was wrong with the relationship.

If you know what went wrong in the relationship, you can take steps to prevent those things from happening again.

You might even consider counseling if you both feel it is necessary and might be helpful.

Part of that involves knowing what priorities to have.

In your relationship, did the two of you make the mistake of not having enough time for each other?

Or did you not communicate enough?

Whatever your problems were, solve them and enter your relationship rekindled with other priorities.

Have Quality Time  With Yourself

After your breakup, it’s the perfect time for you to rediscover yourself.

Ask yourself who you are outside of your relationship.

What are your interests and what do you feel like doing?

Do what interests you and take care of yourself during this difficult time.

From inventing a new hairstyle or a massage or doing some meditation, there are many ways you can take care of yourself.

Remember that even if you want to get back together with your ex, self-care is a very important act that will increase your confidence and sense of self-worth, among other positive things.

Get His Attention Again

While you might be tempted to contact your ex on a regular basis, this is not the best idea.

If you’re always texting or calling him to try to win him back, he’ll know you’re there for him.

But if you give him space, he’ll notice you’re not around anymore and if he still misses you, he’ll wonder what you’re doing.

If he really still has feelings for you, he will notice your absence and miss you.

If you’re planning on meeting up with your ex, don’t sound too anxious, especially when you’re just starting to date again.

Just act casual and avoid saying or doing anything that seems desperate.

Desperation is not attractive, but calm behavior is.

When you date your ex again, leave him wanting more.

That way, there will be something to look forward to.

Don’t be together for days on end.

Instead, go slow.

There is a saying that “attraction grows in absence”.

Make Him Jealous

This tip is not for everyone.

Some people have exes who aren’t the jealous type or maybe you’re just not interested in making him jealous.

For others, though, seeing your ex jealous of your new boyfriend is a sign that he’s still not completely over you.

Avoid doing this if you are in a relationship with someone.

The person you use to make your ex jealous should just be someone you’re not seriously dating.

Here are some ways to make your ex jealous.

If there is an event that the two of you are attending, bring a crush with you or even a cute friend who will be chatting with you the entire time and exchanging compliments.

Another way to make your ex jealous is to post pictures on social media of you and someone else dating.

You and this person might just be friends, but if your ex gets jealous, he might think that this is a potential love interest for you.

Going on casual dates with people can also make your ex jealous.

Remember that these encounters should be casual and fun.

You don’t want to tie two people together at the same time because you will end up with two people with hurt feelings.

Here’s a way to make your ex jealous without using other people.

Just show your ex on social media that you’re okay.

Don’t talk about the breakup on social media and be happy.

In fact, try to be genuinely happy despite the breakup.

At the same time, don’t overdo it with fake happiness, because people will see you inside if you push too hard.

Stay In Touch

Knowing how to contact your ex after a breakup can be tricky.

Don’t start with a romantic message and don’t ask him to come back with you either.

Instead, be subtle and positive with your words.

For example, you can send him a casual text if you see something that reminds you of him.

Even if you are initiating contact, don’t overdo it.

You should still try to keep a safe distance from your ex because you don’t want to push the envelope.

If your ex is willing and you’re casually chatting, you might suggest that the two of you meet up so you can catch up.

You can meet for a coffee or a drink.

When you’re going out, try to send out positive energy.

If you’re still bitter or upset about the breakup, he’ll probably be able to tell you and that will kill the mood.

When you have a positive attitude, your ex is more likely to enjoy your company.

He might even want to go out again soon.

Be genuinely interested in his life and what he has to say.

If your ex feels like he can have fun with you, and relax in your presence, then you have some good signs that your relationship might be on the mend.

By maintaining a positive and upbeat attitude, your ex can be reminded of how enjoyable your company is.

If your ex is reminded of all the good things, there’s a chance he’ll believe you can work out the things that led up to your breakup.

Leave Things in the Past

It’s not a bad idea to talk a little about what went wrong and how things will be different if you and your ex get back together.

But don’t expose the past over and over again, otherwise, it will be difficult for both of you to move on.

Remember, you want to move forward instead of getting stuck in the past.

If enough time has passed, chances are you and your ex are trying to date other people.

Try to avoid talking about what you did to other people while you were separated.

Again, this is the past and you want to focus on the future together.

Even if you feel curious, you really don’t want to know what your ex has been up to since you broke up.

Usually, what they were doing when you weren’t together is none of your business.

And you don’t really need to tell him if you dated when you were separated either.

Talking a lot about what you did while apart can have the potential to stir up feelings of resentment and jealousy.

So if you talk about it, be very careful.

The last thing you want to do is create a new problem, especially if you’ve just gotten back together.


These are just a few steps for you to consider when you’re trying to figure out how to get your ex to want you back.

Keep in mind that you can’t force your ex to have feelings that aren’t there anymore.

While you can’t force the situation, in some cases a failed relationship can still hold some glimmers of hope.

If there is hope, you can take the necessary steps to get your ex back with you.

Getting back with your ex isn’t always simple.

This will take some time, self-reflection, self-care, and teamwork.

If one of you isn’t completely into it, it won’t work.

Even if you want to get your ex back, remember that this is not always possible.

All we can really do is try our best and finally accept things as they are.

As long as you have yourself, it will be great.