15 Subtle Ways to Make a Man Want You More Than Ever

Want to attract the man of your dreams, but are afraid to look desperate?

Subtlety is the key!

Here Are 15 Tactics To Make Him Want You In No Time!

It’s hard to be a girl.

Even in modern times, you just can’t woo the guy.

Sure, you can be the one to take the first step, but it often creates a momentum that just isn’t sustainable in the long run.

One day, you’re going to want your guy to be the one to stalk you and beg for your affection.

Subtle, Tried, and Tested Ways to Attract a Guy

The ideal scenario is for him to fall madly in love with you and do everything he can to win your love.

But if that seems impossible now, don’t feel helpless.

There are many ways to attract the guy you adore so that he’ll chase you and try to win you over, even if you don’t make it too obvious that you already like him.

1. Hold Eye Contact For A Few More Seconds.

This is the oldest trick in history.

If you hold your gaze for just two seconds longer than usual, you’ll send an attractive vibe to the person you’re looking at.

Maintaining eye contact will make you appear more confident and can give the other person the impression that you are interested in them, which will make them consider liking you in return.

It’s the most obvious nonverbal cue that says, “I think you’re beautiful.”

2. Use a Good Perfume.

The fragrance is really powerful.

When someone passes by and the scent wafts through our nose, our senses awaken just like the commercials for Axe.

Perfumes can stimulate parts of the brain.

Put on a few more sprays minutes before you approach the man you’re into, and he might start to notice you in a romantic way.

3. Laugh at His Jokes.

Men love their egos stroked and there’s no better way to massage their egos than to laugh at their jokes.

You don’t have to force yourself, because if you really like this person, chances are you don’t have to struggle with your sense of humor.

4. Call him by name.

As they say, your name is the sweetest sound.

If you’ve just met a guy and you’re attracted to him, make sure you call him by his name.

Instead of saying “hi”, say “hi Bruno”.

Instantly, it creates intimacy and he will have warm feelings towards you.

Don’t overdo it, though, or you’ll look like a sales agent.

5. Be Mysterious.

It’s good to be with people who are open books, but as everything seems to be given to us, we lose interest in getting to know him better.

If you give your love interest the impression that they have a secret world that only special people can enter, they will be curious.

You want your guy to be curious about you!

Don’t tell him all the details about your life in the first few conversations.

6. Be Yourself.

Of course, it’s important to leave some mystery for your man to be curious about you, but make sure the self you’re showing him is the real you.

Show your true, vulnerable, and awkward self.

There’s nothing attractive than honesty.

He might be relieved that you said what you’re thinking.

Be yourself without excuses.

People will love you more than they hate you.

7. Let Him Do Favors for You.

This can be as simple as borrowing your pen.

Psychologists have found that if you do someone small favors, you are attracted to them.

Men in particular will begin to feel that they are needed and that they matter.

They will want that feeling and therefore think they are attracted to you.

8. Be Friendly With Everyone.

You don’t have to be Mrs. Personality, because that would make her too tiring.

Just make sure you’re nice and nice to everyone and don’t pull people to the ground.

If people like you, they will automatically start liking you too.

If, in the end, you find that this trick doesn’t work for the guy you’re into, at least you have friends.

9. Approach Him.

Go wherever he goes – without being annoying.

Being close to someone is possibly the most important trick on this list.

If there’s a chance you’ll sit next to him, sit down.

If you’re having an office party and everyone is getting excited, approach him for a selfie.

Physical closeness will trigger attraction and may lead you to open up to his feelings for you.

10. Introduce Him to Something New.

It could be a new TV show, a new pub in town, a new food, a new hobby, or a new sport.

Activities like this will give him an endorphin rush, which he will associate with you.

That “high” feeling will condition him, making him think that he is also falling in love with you.

If you’re having so much fun doing all these things, it better be this way!

11. Act Like You Don’t Need Men.

We’re not suggesting you turn into a raging feminist, but avoid being the girl who regrets all the time that she’s single.

You can talk about your individuality with your friends, but don’t do it with the guy you like.

Even if he is interested in you, if he feels that you need a man to be happy, he will hide in his shell or start behaving distantly because he will think you “need” him anyway.

Men want women who feel complete and 100% good, alone.

12. Smile Slowly.

Yes, it may sound pathetic, but there’s a study that says smiling slowly, not too quickly, makes you look more genuine.

Likewise, if you flash a smile too quickly, the recipient may feel like you really aren’t serious.

If you want to attract a man, be gentle and slow when you smile.

13. If Someone Likes You, Make Sure He Knows.

Drop hints that someone is crazy about you to speed things up.

Men love to compete, and if the man of your dreams is taking small steps, the best way to increase his speed is to let him know he has competition.

A great way to do this is to let your friends tease you when he’s around or let them tell him “accidentally” about the other guy.

14. Don’t Respond To His Messages Too Quickly.

The game is called “Who is the coolest and most relaxed by text message”, and the players are you and him.

This even works on your boyfriend or husband!

If you text him right away, your guy will feel confident that you like him more than you do.

He will be lazy.

In fact, sometimes men get bored because of it.

They write once and you write three times.

Where’s the challenge in that?

I know it’s not supposed to be a game, but when you’re flirting with someone, you have no choice but to play, at least initially.

Reply at least an hour after receiving his message to keep him on his toes, unless you’re both having a text message conversation.

15. Refuse His Invitations From Time to Time.

If you want to take things to the next level, make him feel like your world isn’t revolving around him.

Say no to some of his invitations.

Not only will this make him wonder if you’re seeing someone, but it also challenges him to do better whatever he’s doing to you because it might not be working anymore.

In other words, he will try to find better ways to please you.


Of course, girls don’t always welcome you when it comes to courting, but if you drop these subtle hints, almost every guy will instantly fall in love with you.

What makes these tricks awesome is that your guy doesn’t even suspect you like him in the first place.

So what are you waiting for?

Roll up your sleeves, put on a really good perfume, and start attarcting your man.