Signs Your Long Distance Relationship Won’t Last

One does not trust the other.

Trust is the key to making a long-distance relationship last.

There will be many times when you won’t be able to see your partner, hear their voice, or go out whenever you want.

If this leaves you wondering if your partner is being faithful or having second thoughts, this could actually be a very serious implication for the state of your relationship.

According to a study by Northwestern University and Redeemer University College in Ontario, Canada, those who trust their partners are more likely to have long-term, successful relationships.

No matter where they are, you should trust your partner to keep you together for a long time.

Long-distance has a habit of testing trust, but doubt or fear in relationships can come from a multitude of sources.

It is important to ask why you are having doubts or where your trust issues are coming from.

It can be good to communicate your feelings with your partner, listen to their perspective, and hopefully find ways to honor, soothe, or help calm your feelings.

You didn’t talk to him about the future.

You just ignore it.

You will need a plan for the future, both long and short term.

Will you visit him every month?

Will you move in together after a year?

There must be an end game or overarching goal for your relationship.

Making these plans, big or small, can be really fun and it also shows that both parties are working hard to keep things moving forward and keeping the couple a priority.

If you or your partner can’t face the future or decide what you’re looking for, that might not be a good sign of things to come.

Healthy communication is essential to making long-distance relationships work, so make sure you’re at least trying to form some sort of plan.

You can’t come to an agreement or compromise when it comes to your plans.

So, you’re basically living in a tale of two cities.

Maybe one of you is absolutely in love with your current city or the place you met and your partner moved from, while the other half of your relationship has totally fallen in love with your new city and hopes you will go there.

No matter your exact situation, it’s important that you come to some sort of agreement or compromise about where you’re going to hook up unless you want to date long-distance forever.

Deciding where to live can be a break in relationships, especially if one of the parties feels extremely attached to a certain place.

You are not being honest.

As they say, it’s the best policy.

This phrase is especially true in long-distance relationships.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your annoyance with your partner for not answering your calls or your feelings of sadness without them by your side, you should be able to talk, discuss, and come close to some sort of healthy conclusion.

Being safe and honest with yourself about how you feel about certain things is really important.

If something bothers you or feels out of place, express it, and communicate it.

If it continues to bother you and you aren’t close to that person to be safe, it will just pile up.

If you’re not being honest and just letting your feelings build up, you could explode, fight, or end up being overwhelmed, none of which are helpful or productive for your relationship.

Establish each partner’s needs at the outset, practice and work towards meeting those needs, and provide feedback on what needs still need to be met.

You expect perfection.

Yes, you know you’ve heard it 100 times.

Nobody is perfect.

Your relationship and your partner are no exceptions to the rule.

In fact, when you’re entering uncharted territory, there’s a lot of room for imperfection.

Expect a few moments of frustration, annoyance, and confusion during a long-distance relationship.

It’s all part of the learning process.

This can be particularly difficult when it comes to visits.

You’re probably expecting your dates to be absolutely perfect, but guess what?

Things happen.

“There’s a lot of pressure on visits when it comes to long-distance relationships,” said writer Allison Bowsher.

“Do you go out with your partner and friends in a social setting or do you stay at home for alone time?

Does your family want to spend time with your partner?

Does one of you need to work or study during the visit?

Is there an important conversation hovering like an elephant in the room and do you have this conversation face to face when you have little time together or over the phone afterward?

Some trips will be full of great memories and carefree moments, and some will be full of fights over issues big or small and that’s okay!

‘Real’ relationships are full of ups and downs, and long-distance relationships are no exception.

You’re just not willing to try.

Spoiler alert: you’re going to have to try really hard to make things work, especially in the beginning.

There has to be an adjustment period for you and your partner to figure out what you like when to talk about, how to bond, and when to see each other.

There is not much time for carelessness in a successful long-distance relationship.

You need to work on having a very strong and solid foundation in your relationship when you go long-distance.

Be open, honest, and trusting.

Take the time to find out how and when it is best to communicate with each other.

Work on making each other feel special, even without seeing each other.

All the things you work on during a normal relationship will need extra effort in a

You are not hopeful or optimistic about this relationship.

Look on the bright side: you have him and he has you.

You will go through hard times, but you may come out even stronger or happier in the end.

Plus, you’ll have a little more time to spend getting to know yourself, your own view of your relationships, and how independent you are from your partner.

If there isn’t an upside, then maybe it’s time to reevaluate why exactly you’re doing this in the first place and whether or not your relationship comes from a healthy, positive, and fulfilling place.