5 Secrets to Finding a Good Matched Man

A Woman became single recently, and what she discovered was this: there are a lot of good men out there.

She hears her friends complain about the lack of quality men, of a nice guy, but she claims that she is seeing the exact opposite.

It’s full of interesting men everywhere!

Strong and educated men. Handsome, smart men. All the qualities a woman needs!

Despite not being ready for another relationship, she said she has already found several men who are perfect for dating.

So who are these guys and how can you find one? This Woman will share her secrets, which seems to be working very well:

1. Show Your Inner Beauty.

Women, men love the inner beauty of women.

Inner beauty is the ability to feel the world around you. It’s your soul, beautiful and true.

Women have a profound ability to stay in touch with the meaning of the world and life.

Women are creatures of compassion. Men find this attractive.

Inner beauty looks like what? It’s a little difficult to describe in words, but it’s more or less like this.

I feel my inner beauty in my heart when I am in love.

I feel my inner beauty when I am breathing and living in the present moment.

I feel it when I care deeply for someone or something.

I advise you to go there, in that deep space within you. The best men for you will come next.

2. Have Boundaries.

Say “no” when you want to say no.

This is serious. It’s that simple or that difficult.

Boundaries are something women struggle to have and respect.

Women are afraid of rejection: and we are afraid of rejecting someone else. So women end up doing a lot of things they don’t want to do. It never works.

When you set limits, it shows that you value yourself.

That means a man has to act like a gentleman if he wants to date you.

And believe me, every gentleman loves it! Any man who does not respect his boundaries is automatically disqualified.

This is a good way to filter out the crooks.

3. “Receive” Him.

This is another concept that seems abstract but I’ll explain better what I mean.

The man wants to make an impact, to impress the woman.

He wants to feel important.

When you “get” a man by listening to him, engaging in conversation, laughing, etc., he feels he is making an impact on you.

This triggers a desire to get closer to you.

Playing hard , on the other hand, might work, but it’s pure manipulation.

4. Be Authentic.

I know you’ve heard this before, but it needs to be said: Men think it’s really cool when a woman can be who she really is, without trying to please or impress him too much.

We all know when someone is being authentic or not.

We can feel the vibration in the air. Something artificial tends to look anxious and weird.

The authentic person is truthful and showing the truth is a good feeling.

Of course, being authentic 24/7 isn’t easy, especially in the presence of someone you care about, but it can be practiced.

This is the secret to the real good life and every woman should practice authenticity as much as she can.

5. Work to Improve Your Self-Esteem Every Day.

Self-love is the great foundation.

If you don’t have self-love, you won’t find self-love in someone else.

It is crucial for you to practice feeling complete and content with yourself.

The myth that a man will complete you will make you feel incomplete, leaving you desperately chasing after a man! That’s not cool.

Do things every day that make you love yourself.

Here are some practices you can implement:

  • Meditation
  • Physical exercise and healthy eating
  • write a diary
  • Spending time with people you love
  • practice a lot of gratitude
  • And have the desire to make a positive impact on the world

Feel the love, with a man or without.

This will inspire a good man to love you too.

When you’re out there interacting with a man, remember this: you are a woman who is overflowing with self-love and doesn’t need any man to feel love.



There are great guys out there.

Stay connected to your greatness, and they will come to you.

Leave a comment below talking about a great man you know, how you met him and how you inspired him.