How to Make Him Miss Me: A Step-by-Step Guide!

Every woman wants her boyfriend, husband or ex to miss her.

If you’re like me, then you want him to miss you when you’re not around, and more than that…

Let him look for you and even send a bunch of messages after you. 

I know how it is… I’ve also been through this situation, and at the time it was a little difficult to make him miss me…

Because our relationship was in a delicate situation, after I applied some strategies everything was back on track!

The problem is that few women know how to do it the right way.

Well, the truth is that there are some secrets!

So how do you make a guy miss you when you’re not with him?

How to define how long to go without talking to him for him to come back?

Read this text very carefully because we are going to show you exactly what you should do, in almost any situation you find yourself in today.

How to Make Someone Miss You: The Psychology Behind!

If you’ve been watching some videos on the internet then you surely already know that it’s no use being glued on top of a man begging for your attention. 

The idea is that they miss you when you’re not around, miss you, and love you even more. 

It is already proven by several studies of psychology that the mental trigger of scarcity in the game of attraction is one of the most powerful.

And when applied correctly, this mental trigger is capable of increasing your social value by up to 10X!

The truth is that human beings were made to value what is scarce.

Our subconscious works all the time looking for things that we cannot have, or that we are not able to have access to at that moment.

That’s why a diamond is so valuable.

They are really rare.

You won’t find tons of diamonds lying around.

The sand on the beach…

This one is not so valuable, after all, there are millions and millions of them on every corner.

Understand one thing, the easier it is to get the less value it will have.

The problem is that many women abuse this technique and end up pushing the man away at once!

The secret here is that you must move away slowly and intelligently.

They like having their space, but they also miss you if you’re not around. 

You can make him miss you by cutting off communication with him a little bit, you can make him miss you after a fight, and you can make him miss you if he’s at a party.

There are times when you have to use the missing strategy after a break. 

A great way to make him miss you and want you back is to follow the no contact rule. 

And then your guy will miss you so much that you’ll eventually be together again.

You may be missing him and not know if he is feeling the same way. It’s normal to want your Mr. Perfect to miss you back. But if you want him to miss you, you need to make him feel heavy work.

A man’s psychology works differently. They like the chase, the mystery, and that’s what makes them crave you the most. You need to make yourself irresistible and keep him alert so he’ll miss you.

Be on the lookout for signs that your boyfriend is missing you and you’ll know you’re on the right track. But do you want to make him miss you and commit? So here are 20 psychological ways that will make you miss you terribly.

20 simple ways to make him miss you and look for you

You must be thinking so how do I get him to start missing me and looking for me?

It’s not really difficult, although it does require some mental work. Follow these 20 simple tips to the letter and we’re sure your guy will spend every minute of the day looking for you – he’ll miss you the moment you’re not with him.

To achieve this, you need to be patient first, and then give these steps their due time. 

Nothing in the world is immediate, so control yourself and make a man miss you by using these steps strategically.

1. Stop texting him

When you miss someone, you get butterflies in your stomach and all you want to do is wait for them to go ‘online’ and text you. And the moment he sends you a message, BAM, you reply within seconds.

Or it never sends you a message first, but you are always initiating the messages.

I wrote an article talking about exactly how to make a man miss you on WhatsApp, it will probably help you a lot

There I show that men tend to lose interest in women who are readily available to them. You need to make him miss you by reducing your texts to him.

This is also a good tip to make your boyfriend miss you.

As soon as you stop texting him it will make him wonder what is going on and he will start to miss your texts.

Your texts are no longer taken for granted and he may want to text you more often.

Another trick is to show that you are ‘online’ and not text him. It will make him wonder what is going on in his mind and make him miss you in the text.

2. The waiting game

According to Dating Metrics, 15% of men get in touch first the same night and 49% of men get in touch the next night. This is due to the waiting game. 

They don’t want to show that they already miss you and wait a day or two to get in touch.

This same trick can be applied by women. Make them wait for your answer. Make them miss you to call back. If you’re thinking, “Should I wait or should I text him?” our advice is to wait for a little.

It is already proven: Men miss absence. So the rule here is to make him wait twice as long as it took to respond to your text message or call. 

This will make him want you to reply to his texts and messages, and he will start to miss you and call you.

And this is more for new relationships, if you are already married then you should use other techniques to make your husband miss you.

But whatever the case, play the waiting game to make a guy miss you. Sometimes playing hard to get can help a lot with this.

3. Always be the first to hang up

The laws of attraction work wonder when you play hard to get. Be the first person to say goodbye, or good night by text message, or call.

Show him that you’re not dying to talk to him indefinitely. Shutting down first will increase his mysterious aura and he will feel that there is still so much more for you. This will have you chasing you to find out more.

Ignoring someone you’re attracted to is a great way to keep him interested. Mystery and chase are part of the game of dating well done.

If you don’t go overboard with your cute links and text, you’re doing it right.

4. Have a brand

Always have a brand that reminds him of you. It could be a perfume, favorite food, or a superhero.

Imagine yourself talking endlessly about chocolate pie in front of him and he goes to a restaurant and sees chocolate pie on the menu. Guess which name will come to his mind.

A particular brand of perfume you wear can be a great way to invoke your memory. Smells come with memories.

It’s the most potent way to make him miss you. Maybe you trust a certain brand when it comes to your leather bag or your shoes. Every time he sees a brand ad he will miss you.

5. Don’t give everything away for free

The two of you might be really getting comfortable with each other and you think that’s it. This is the time when you can finally open up to him. Stop right there. Don’t share your life story on just two dates. Take your time, don’t open up too soon.

Men like surprises.

That’s what keeps them interested. Giving everything right away will leave no room for further conversation. There are things you can talk to your boyfriend about to get to know him better, but there are things you can tell about yourself if you want to.

Keep making him want to understand you. You will be the one playing in your mind.

6. Let things happen “ accidentally ”

How many times have you found an old movie sketch or subway ticket and relived that memory all over again? Things associated with memories that make your brain start thinking about them. Try accidentally leaving your scarf or earring in his car, or at his house.

When he finds your earring or scarf, he will immediately think of you, and maybe smile too. These little things will help him remember you when you’re not around.

However, if he doesn’t talk to you, don’t start feeling bad, don’t start an argument, or just start crying. There may be a chance that he didn’t mention this to you over the phone, but he will tell you how much of his stuff reminded him of you on the next date. Wait.

7. Use social media as your weapon

Keep posting updates or photos of yourself on social media. Post parts of your life that you want him to see. He is definitely stalking you ‘online’ and you can use that to your advantage.

Show your fun and cool side. ‘Upload’ great photos of yourself. Make him realize what he’ll miss if he’s not a part of your life. Show him it’s worth the chase.

Social media can be used to your advantage to make a guy miss you. Did you show off your new gym clothes, your trendiest bikini on Insta, or share your Amsterdam gang vacation pics?

He just wants to be with you. He will go crazy missing you and will text you instantly.

8. Be busy when he asks you out

How to make a guy miss you? Don’t always jump out of bed to say “yes” whenever he asks you out. He may think you are easygoing and will take you for granted. Instead, play hard to get.

It’s okay to turn down one or two plans. This will make him more eager to meet you on the next date. If you’re not available, he’ll be waiting to catch up with you and that’s a good thing.

9. Make room to make him miss you

If you spend most of your time with him, it will soon become a normal thing. His heart will no longer skip when he sees you. He will no longer anticipate his presence. If you’re always there, how are you going to give him a chance to miss you?

If you’re always there physically or through texts, there won’t be room for him to miss you. Give him enough space to think about you in your absence, that’s how all the missing ones will start.

Make some plans with your other friends. Spend a day at the spas, have a girl gang party, upload some photos and statuses and see the magic. We can bet that his absence and the fact that you were having fun without him will make him miss you more and more and come back.

10. Share your adventures with him

There are so many fun stories you can share with him. This will make him feel like you’re including him in your inner circle and he’ll feel like he’s getting to know you better.

Be careful not to reveal everything. You still want to keep him attached to you. You can ask him to go out with his friends, but don’t make it a rule. When he knows you’re having fun with your friends, he’ll miss you.

11. Treat him like a friend

How to make a guy miss you and commit? If you want him to commit and you feel he’s afraid to commit, this is a crucial step. Now you’re losing your mind over him, but don’t let him know that. He’ll think you’re an easy game.

Instead, befriend him for a while. Don’t show up every time he expects you to be there and give him a chance to miss you. His absence will make him think of you. Let him go through the whys, but let him feel like he’s not the same without you for him.

This will make him realize that he needs to win you over and he will try harder to show you how much he wants you to feel different from him. His efforts will be reflected in the way he begins to treat you—a valued person in his life.

12. Let him crave more

Make it seem like there’s still a lot he doesn’t know about you. Be reserved, playful, and mysterious. He will be attracted to you and will want you even more.

If the two of you are talking, be the first to end the conversation. Not abruptly, but in an attractive way that leaves you asking for more. Leaving the conversation at the right time will make him think of you, and miss you and then you can make him miss having a conversation with you.

If you stay away from him, he will want you even more. Tease him when you’re in bed and give him an idea of ​​the positions you want to try.

13. Take time for yourself

To make a guy miss you, give yourself some time. Maybe he’s keeping himself busy and making you feel unwanted.

Start going out with friends instead of on dates and tell him about all the fun you had. 

This will make him a little jealous and he’ll miss not being the one you’re having fun with. 

Get some retail therapy or go clubbing, try cooking at home, or just go out for ice cream late at night.

If you had a breakup and he said he needs time to get over you. You get busy and have your own life. There is an average time it takes a man to miss you, so this is a good way to make him miss you and want you back.

14. Try new things with him

It’s time to tick some things off your wish list. Ask if he has tried these things. If not, you have it exactly where you want it to be.

15. Have fun without him

Go out with your girlfriends and have the time of your life.

Let him know how much fun you have even without him. 

All men love a fun, independent, and outgoing woman. Show him that side of you. Make sure you don’t talk to him while having fun with your other friends.

If you speak up, it will only make him feel privileged and you don’t want to give him that advantage just yet. Make sure you make these plans when he literally has nothing to do all day. 

It will automatically scroll through your updates and start to miss you.

16. Be full of surprises

Men love spontaneity. This is something they are not immune to. They love women with boundless energy and are always ready for a new adventure. 

Show him new versions of yourself every time you see him and he won’t be able to get you out of his head. Send him flowers sometimes or just order food for him through an app. Be full of surprises.

He would look to you as a partner in crime. From romantic winter dates to long drives in the rain and extreme holidays, he would love to do it with you. He would miss you if you weren’t around while he did this.

17. Dress to impress him

Do your best when you find him. Make heads turn as you walk towards him and make sure he notices.

Make his heart skip when he sees you. You will become irresistible to him and he will have a visual image of you worth remembering. A devastating way to make a guy miss you. You can shop online for some stunning dresses or get them customized by a designer.

18. Show he’s not the only one in line

Have “ accidental ” encounters with him when you are with your friend. Try to make him jealous by showing how close you are to this friend. But play it safe – you just need to make a guy miss you, not be pushy.

Tell him you’re a man’s best friend and see how he reacts. Men want what they can’t have and when he realizes he’s not the only one in line, he’ll start to miss you like crazy and pay more attention to you.

19. Make him realize you’re the only one

You’ve spent enough time with him to know what his ideal girl looks like. Your job is to make him realize that you are the ideal girl. Make an effort to be a better girlfriend.

Invest your time in knowing about the little things that are important to him. How does he start his day? Is his coffee almost right? What interests you, what lights up your face? If you make the effort, you’ll know exactly what he wants from you and you can make him miss you the moment you’re away from him.

Simple, little things have bigger impacts.

Highlight your personality to make him see that you are the one for him. 

He’ll start pining for you, even more, when he knows you’re his final stop.

20. Be yourself

Men love independent women, they like to have fun, and most importantly, they own themselves. Loving yourself for who you are will make him love you in the same way.

Faking your personality to attract him to you is short-lived and will only drive him away from you later on or create a fake relationship as well. If you want your man to really miss you, make him miss parts of you that are real.

These are 20 surefire ways you can make a man miss you terribly and come to you. He will miss you even when he is far away when physical distance will make his heart miss you. 

These psychological tricks will work on any man — whether he’s a new crush, an old crush, or even a long-known friend. 

Always remember to be yourself and he won’t stop wanting to be with you.