The power of silence in relationships

Do you know the power of silence in relationships? Do you know the real “power” that this generates in which you are exercising it?

Most people believe that if they remain silent they are being weak, when in fact it is exactly the opposite…

Those who hold silence are usually the strongest.

The one who is silent at the right time is the one who commands the whole thing …

Let’s say you and your boyfriend had an argument and you both got pissed at each other and left…

So far ok…

But then what next? Waiting…

That’s when the two are waiting to see who will speak first, who will lend a helping hand…

Only in the midst of this silent negotiation, there is one thing, that only the strong know!

Those who keep their word, those who exercise silence, WIN!

Have you ever seen a business meeting? Usually, those who speak the most and have the most arguments are those who have the “minor” positions before the check or the leader…

The leader just opens his mouth to say YES or NO, and when he does that, EVERYONE shuts up, after all, he is the one who holds the power.

And that goes for everything in life, especially in relationships, I always say that silence is the final card.

If a man is pressuring you to sleep with him, your silence will say it all!

If you’ve already said that you want to be assumed as a girlfriend, the guy disappears, his silence said it all…

Now there is a difference because he can disappear precisely to make you despair and change your mind, that is, go talk to him and reveal…

And when does that not happen?

If you yourself, in the face of all the “provocations” he tries, remain silent, in the peace of God, firm, sure of yourself and of what you want, then yes, he will come and my flower, believe me, who is in charge of the game will be you!

So use that power of silence always in your favor, not allowing others to read you, or make you what they want…

Most of the time silence is worth a thousand words!

Remember, who holds that power? Only the eagles, the leaders, the mighty!