Why does he say he’s going to call and he doesn’t?

Wow, it seems that it’s another “mechanism” born to men, to say they’re going to call and they don’t… 

Let’s get to the facts. First, men HATE the slightest sign that there will be a serious conversation, so they really run away… Second, when you ASK him for something, especially if he is your ex, it means YOU are giving him greater power to make the DECISION to call or not for you…

What happens? They will NEVER call, because, like every childish man they are, they like to see you complain about why he didn’t call, that is, he does it ON PURPOSE and the worst thing is that he gets what he did.

While you’re there desperate to know why he didn’t call, after all, you had serious things to deal with, and he just ignored or forgot, what is it? How to react? he promised he would call back later…

One thing: When a man wants to deal with something or is interested in it, obviously he won’t say he’ll call later, but he’ll take advantage of the moment when you’re already talking to fix things, do you agree?

But what about most women? If the guy said he would call at 10 pm and nothing, you immediately send angry messages asking why, when there aren’t those women who call the guy and with a message that says: “I’m waiting for you to call me! Why haven’t you called me yet?”

That’s the cue for the guy to say he’s busy, and still, treat you with the greatest disregard, or, if not, say he’ll call tomorrow, or that he ended up forgetting, well, millions of excuses, and when you hang up the phone how are you feeling? LIKE TRASH!

Try not to complain, pretend you weren’t even expecting the call, or even better if he said he’d call at 10 pm and it’s already 10:30 pm and he hasn’t called, then don’t answer anymore! Are you going to let him play with you? Because this is an act they do deliberately to mess with you, drive you crazy, and without the slightest guilt. I even think they don’t even have to feel guilty because you are the one who allows them to act that way!